Responses from audiogabby
What did you get after the Minimax pre ? Here's my story. I bought a new Minimax way back in 06 or 07 and sold it like you said after one year. I played with another highly regarded preamp and couldn't get used to it. It was slacking the slam of the Minimax that I enjoy. To make a long s... | |
Review: VALAB 8x TDA1543 NOS DAC DA converter I own the early 2009 version and couldn't be any happier. Mine replaced a Paradisea +. | |
Kreall amp and tube pre Thanks. This is good to know. Last, which is the best sounding Krell amp on their entry level price the FPB 200 or a later encarnation ? | |
Kreall amp and tube pre What are you using with the 700c ? I'm going to be using an Eastern Electric Minimax. I'm wondering if this little gem is up to the job. | |
M-Audio Rev.7.1 and Vista 64 bits Good to hear that, thanks Huysmans. | |
Transporter for Valab Dac I'm using my modified Toshiba DVD 3960 and to me they sound wonderful together. The VALAB is an incredible value, I love mine. | |
Valab NOS USB DAC - First impression I'm using a Valab DAC myself. Right now it has less than 20 hours of playing time on it but i'm very impressed with it. I agree with the OP, The Valab seems very extended at the frequency extremes. I'm still trying to figure out whether the spot o... | |
Need dynamic DAC Pretty good list, i'm going to check their availability in the used market. Thanks a lot. | |
Need dynamic DAC Macdadtexas,Have you ever listened to the Paradisea + ? I used to own that one and was wondering about the differences with the Havana besides the metal case. | |
Left channel sounds louder Well, Just like I thought, the preamp seems to be the culprit. I switched the cables at the amp end and the sound also switched to the right channel ( louder ). I need to contact the distributor now to set have them look at it. I'll post the resul... | |
Left channel sounds louder I'm going to look for a couple of test CDs I know I have laying around to perform a tone test. I don't know why but something tells me is the preamp. I'll get back with some results tomorrow since tonight I have my daughter. Thanks for the advise. | |
Any comments on the deHavilland UltraVerve preamp? I owned the UV for several months. It is a great preamp for the money but I thought the presentation was in line with the speakers or slightly in front of the speakers. I like my music a little forward. Also, I was looking for more speed and bass ... | |
DAC recommendation That sounds interesting, i'm going to check it out, thanks. | |
DAC recommendation I wasn't planning on buying several two channel DACs. I was hoping of a DACs that can process multiple codecs. It appears that there's no such animal. I'll keep looking, thanks anyway. | |
How do you know when an older amp needs service? Very funny and true. |