

Responses from audiogabby

What's a Triode configuration?
Your last paragraph is probably the most important factor. I'm going thru it right now. I have a very nice preamp that unfortunely is a mismatch with my amp. Even after lowering the amps input impedance the pre has too much output impedance and ov... 
845 SET recommendation
Thanks to all. I'm going to look them up and see what i decide. 
What is the quietest preamp you've used?
My Krell Krc 3 was dead quiet. 
Opinions on deHavilland Mercury 2
Thanks guys. I have a Mercury 2 coming my way. It's a brand new unit so it's going to take a few days before posting my impresions. 
Legacy Classics and Tubes
Thanks. I wanted to confirm before plugging everything in. My reasoning was the fact that i used some Cicada loudspeaker when the amp was at the repair shop and the amp sounded so powerful that i could not believe it. 
Best Speakers at Montreal Show this past weekend?
Kevin,I was impressed with a small speaker by Fidelio Acoustics i believe was the name. The imaging was incredible compared to some of the big names. 
Krell KRC-3 Questions
Same here, on all the time. 
Tuners that do it?
I have owned the Yamaha T-80 and listened to lots of different tuners, either at friends houses, stores and shows. there's nothing like the Leak to my ears. 
Personal amp evolution
Onkyo 504 rsSymphonic Line RG1 MK11BAT VK 200Perreaux 350PPass Aleph 30Leak Stereo 20OCM 500 
best tube integrated under $5000 ?
I heard the Song Audio at the Montreal show not long ago and it was a revelation. There's a review on it at Ultra Audio, part of the Soundstage network, and it made their components of exceptional merit. Beautiful mids in the classic tube style bu... 
Personal amp evolution
Onkyo Integra 504 RSSymphonic Line RG1 mkIIIBAT VK 200Perreaux 350PPass Aleph 30 
Burlington, VT - Any interest in starting a club?
Last time i talked to Chris he was still in business. He's downsized now to a small shop working only a few hrs a week. I'm in Swanton, about 35 to 40 mins north of Burlington. What's the name of the new store on Church St. ? And where exactly is ... 
A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?
Tough one. I've been there. I'm divorced now. Ask yourself, "Do i love my wife" " Is my marriage worth saving ". Next, ask her to sit with you and listen to a few songs. Have a serious talk with her. LET HER KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HER, and your s... 
Power cord for EVS Millenium mk II
Killerpiglet, what Stealth PC are you talking about ? They have a few different models. Thanks for the advice. 
Power cord for EVS Millenium mk II
Krelldog, I'm using a Pioneer 525 DVD player modified by Dan W. I'm using a LAT power cord with it. Digital cables are the MillerSound and the Monarchy DIP using it's original pc cable from Monarchy.