Responses from audiogabby
What's a Triode configuration? Your last paragraph is probably the most important factor. I'm going thru it right now. I have a very nice preamp that unfortunely is a mismatch with my amp. Even after lowering the amps input impedance the pre has too much output impedance and ov... | |
845 SET recommendation Thanks to all. I'm going to look them up and see what i decide. | |
What is the quietest preamp you've used? My Krell Krc 3 was dead quiet. | |
Opinions on deHavilland Mercury 2 Thanks guys. I have a Mercury 2 coming my way. It's a brand new unit so it's going to take a few days before posting my impresions. | |
Legacy Classics and Tubes Thanks. I wanted to confirm before plugging everything in. My reasoning was the fact that i used some Cicada loudspeaker when the amp was at the repair shop and the amp sounded so powerful that i could not believe it. | |
Best Speakers at Montreal Show this past weekend? Kevin,I was impressed with a small speaker by Fidelio Acoustics i believe was the name. The imaging was incredible compared to some of the big names. | |
Krell KRC-3 Questions Same here, on all the time. | |
Tuners that do it? I have owned the Yamaha T-80 and listened to lots of different tuners, either at friends houses, stores and shows. there's nothing like the Leak to my ears. | |
Personal amp evolution Onkyo 504 rsSymphonic Line RG1 MK11BAT VK 200Perreaux 350PPass Aleph 30Leak Stereo 20OCM 500 | |
best tube integrated under $5000 ? I heard the Song Audio at the Montreal show not long ago and it was a revelation. There's a review on it at Ultra Audio, part of the Soundstage network, and it made their components of exceptional merit. Beautiful mids in the classic tube style bu... | |
Personal amp evolution Onkyo Integra 504 RSSymphonic Line RG1 mkIIIBAT VK 200Perreaux 350PPass Aleph 30 | |
Burlington, VT - Any interest in starting a club? Last time i talked to Chris he was still in business. He's downsized now to a small shop working only a few hrs a week. I'm in Swanton, about 35 to 40 mins north of Burlington. What's the name of the new store on Church St. ? And where exactly is ... | |
A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce? Tough one. I've been there. I'm divorced now. Ask yourself, "Do i love my wife" " Is my marriage worth saving ". Next, ask her to sit with you and listen to a few songs. Have a serious talk with her. LET HER KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HER, and your s... | |
Power cord for EVS Millenium mk II Killerpiglet, what Stealth PC are you talking about ? They have a few different models. Thanks for the advice. | |
Power cord for EVS Millenium mk II Krelldog, I'm using a Pioneer 525 DVD player modified by Dan W. I'm using a LAT power cord with it. Digital cables are the MillerSound and the Monarchy DIP using it's original pc cable from Monarchy. |