
Responses from audiobugged

Mac 402 & Audio Research LS25MKl ?
Hey Dave, The cables you've mentioned are fine! I also feel that prior to any other changes, Tube Rolling may be the next place to begin experimenting with your new pre. Maybe some other fellow Audio Research LS25MKl users will come to your aid in... 
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb?
Bigkidz, Western Electric and General Electric recently merged to produce a new WE/GE Reveal 300BE Lightbulb.Reveal lightbulbs from WE/GE-300BE unlock the hidden color in system.Your system will never sound as good as it does under the light of Re... 
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb?
How many Smurfs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?Two, but they screw in little houses, not in lightbulbs.I have a nice G.E. light bulb, hand made, from the 20's. I save it for special occasions. It throws beautiful yellowish light on everythin... 
Heifetz/Vieuxtemps - Motorcycle Sounds
Yes, a friend of mine mentioned that some of the Fritz Reiner CSO recordings when listening carefully through headphones sometimes a truck can be heard going by the RCA recording studio. 
Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???
Seriously... Sand would be the most economical route, however make sure the sand is 100% dry. Many play type sands are bagged and shipped moist after being exposed to rain. I would prop each bag in an upright position, and cut a slit in each bags ... 
Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???
Hey Albert, Wheren't J. H. Kellogg's early flakes made from corn used as Kitty Litter anyhow before becoming a nutritional breakfast cereal?Got Milk? As your on to something, a gallon of milk would add 8.59 lbs. But it would require quite exotic m... 
Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???
Oh I see Marco your now going for the More Bite "Hello Pitbull" Tank-tops for the Gym. ;0)~ 
mother passed away - pro recording help needed
My Deepest Heartfelt Sympathies Dennis, as such a tragic loss did not have to happen. I know having lost my Father at a young age of 55 three years ago under similar circumstances, that in time the wounds to the heart will heal. The early stage of... 
Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???
Not a bad idea if your cramped for space, as your Speaker Stands would also double as a PurrFect Scratching Post.Hey Marco, I thought you where Pro Hello Kitty, not Badtz Maru? 
Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???
I guess this wouldn't be recommended if you own a cat? As your speaker stands might become Nitty Gritty soiled by Kitty, but still smell kinda Fresh. 
VPI Scoutmaster questions.........
Hello Nick, Yes somewhat confusing now almost like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.... Which Bed, Which Porridge? Well if money where no object the Super Scoutmaster is the way to go. If your on a budget you could go for a Scout, & add a few upgrad... 
If Audio bug never hit you, what hobby might have?
I don't recall hitting anyone? 
VPI Scoutmaster Question???
The Square Motor assembly is the Current. The Round motor, & and the junction box bolted directly to the plinth where used in the early concept stages when the Scoutmaster was concieved. Yet VPI got complaints at the motor cut-out in the plint... 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
I have been using a Aesthetix Janus in a 16' x 34' room with no room size issues. The room at HE05 was maybe greater then 50' in length? 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
Jadem6, Great Review!