
Responses from audiobugged

A Tough Question
The Burger King hamburger? Now there is a whole new perspective of ownership! What happens if you purchase & consume this wonderful fast-food creation of chopped cow, which resides in your colon for 7 years. During this duration does the hambu... 
A Tough Question
Maybe just a little too Funk Shui? 
A Tough Question
Wow, Guys this Thread is getting very Deep! 
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....
I would have to highly recommend Charles Munch - Boston Symphony Jvc Xrcd (JMCXR-0001) rendition of Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique. This would be my first choice in a cd purchase. Enclused below are a few review linksof this cd.http://www.enjoythem... 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
Kublakhan how did a Smack get into this whole clan of Slaps? 
A Tough Question
Onhwy61, I was in the same boat not too long ago. Here is my post from my Thread "Any 12 Step Programs To just QUIT" ???When do you finally draw the LINE, in trying to build the Perfect Beast? I'm at the point where I'm in my UPS delivery guy's we... 
A Tough Question
Seandtaylor99 older Corvettes are real HOT on Ebay Motors right now! Fewer possessions == less stress??? 
A Tough Question
LMAO!!! Ben Campbell 
A Tough Question
Do You Hear Your System Talking To You???Are you asked to take a bow in front of it upon entering the room each time? As long as your not hearing voices, then you are in control!It is normal to be passionate about your hobby, & upgrading certa... 
preamps that have sub connection ?
B&K PT3II has a Subwoofer out connection. 
wooden floors or carpet?
Marakanetz have you tested you tweek with different styles of music? Does placing a Jazz, Classical, Rock, etc. LP sound any different from the other? 
Need Advise
Oops O.K. USPS!!! Well since you gave up the Delivery Confirmation Method for 55 cents? Your Blue Slip for Insurance should still have a barcode tracking number for them to check, or for you to be able to check if it was insured for more than $50.... 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
Seriously Slappy don't abandon hope, stick around like Viridian says. 
Beatles albums on MFSL CD's
To my knowledge the only HDCD issue are Japanese Beatles 1 & 2 G.H. in HDCD. 
Beatles albums on MFSL CD's
TOCP is the prefix infront of all the Toshiba/Emi Japanese CD's Catalog # example: = (TOCP-6477)