
Responses from audiobugged

Rel Subwoofers
I have owned 3 Rel Strata III's, yet never had the chance to try out the spikes as I have oak floors troughout the entire house. It would spell disaster with a down firing sub on Tile, or Hardwoods. If you have carpet give it a shot? I doubt that ... 
Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?
Yes, it sits atop a piece of 3/8" thick green egde acrylic with AQ big feet below. Any piece of tube gear will appreciate some sort of vibration isolation. 
Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?
I wouldn't waste my money, & keep Big Ben away from Big Jerry's Dac. I like to play too, & feel like a Audio Pimp in training lately as I took a Sonic Frontiers Jitterbug in trade not too long ago. It actually degraded the sound of the AL ... 
If you had $500 to spend, how would you spend it?
Danlib1, 100 $5.00 Hookers would have you back to spending 3 day with frozen peas on you nuts! ;0)~ 
Can Someone Help the Idiot Out?
Aggielaw, Since your having Left/Right Hand & Foot issues, try this prior to connecting any interconnects, & speaker cables. Ready To Hokey Pokey??? Then hit this link...... put your right ... 
Can Someone Help the Idiot Out?
I have an Mental Midget of a Audiogon buddy that can't get the concept of which way the directional flow arrows on interconnects, & speaker cables go. He says we've only discussed this 3-4 times, I think it's been about 10. I was thinking of b... 
A guide for Audiophiles and Marriage
"PRICED FOR QUICK SALE" Look Honey it just wouldn't sell, guess your gonna have to let me keep it? 
A guide for Audiophiles and Marriage
Danlib1, Making you get a Vasectomy? Ouch, did you barter for some exotic gear prior to going under the knife? Has it affected your hearing in any way? Are you enjoying the Vienna Boys Choir more these days? 
A guide for Audiophiles and Marriage
My Wife want's me to clarify that she didn't make me sell anything! Ouch those whip marks really hurt! ;0)~ 
recommendation for inexpensive CDP
I sold my Sony CDP-XA20ES not too long ago, it was a mistake the player was that good for the $300.00 range! It was variable out, with volume control on the remote. 
Biggest "Bang for the Buck" in an AES/EBU cable
The Best Biggest "Bang for the Buck" I have ever heard is the Stealth Varidig. It is also the AES/EBU cable that made the Buck Stop Here, & just enjoy the music. You could spend a lot more, & get a LOT LESS! Good Luck, as A/B'ing Digital C... 
What amp should be used with merlin vsm's?
If you talk to Bobby at Merlin, he himself will strongly encourage the use of the Belles 150a hotrod. Unless going with Tubes, I would audition the Belles, & enjoy the savings!You will have tubes on the pre, with will give you the warmth you s... 
best wife friendly monitor?
The dark red cherry 805's should fit your decor, & are very WAF accepted. 
I completely lack fiscal discipline...
I was scared $#!+less by the movie "The Body Snatchers" as a kid, & therefore I'm in fear of the iPod's ;O)~ 
Is anyone out there using the Lector 0.5T?
I auditioned one of the first units available in the US in my system earlier this year. It did sound good for the price. My buddy purchased, & owned the CES show bigger brother. I would buy a Lector dac in a heartbeat if the price was right. O...