

Responses from audio-b-dog

knownothing  I purchased an Audioquest USB cable. Probably not a very expensive one. I did not do anyhing else to optimize the DAC. I loved the sound until I compared it to the Moon 280 D. I didn't try playing with more expensive cables.  
Should I replace my 20-year-old Hovland Radia Amp?
Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. Devinplombier, my SF Olympica Nova V speakers have three 7" woofers. I would like a bit more power, but I would say the Hovland handles them pretty well. Hovland is not known for its bass--more for its... 
Should I replace my 20-year-old Hovland Radia Amp?
When I got the amp one channel went out after about six hours. I took it to a high-end audio technician. He charged me $800 dollars and said he'd replaced the bad parts. I hate to say that I know little about electronics. I really don't know the d... 
Should I replace my 20-year-old Hovland Radia Amp?
I would like the idea of demoing an amp in my house except it would take weeks. When I got the Hovland Radia I compared it to my McCormack DNA-1 upgraded to what they called their gold level. It was like a new amp. The McCormack threw a lovely wal... 
Streamer apps critical
The Moon Mind2 interface is really easy. I run Qobuz on my Moon 280D. The Mind2 interface runs on my iPad. I open Mind2 and search for an artist or composer or album. If I were to search for Paul Simon, for example, I see all of his albums on Qobu... 
I recently traded in my Qutest for a fairly inexpensive streamer ($4K Moon 280D). I loved the Qutest until I compared it to the Moon. Perhaps the DAC in the Qutest is better on paper, but the dealer said that USB was not a good way to connect to a... 
Jazz for aficionados
I heard a young (36 years old) saxaphonist live recently. Her name is Melissa Aldana. I was very impressed because she had her own voice, with influences, of course, but like nothing I'd heard before. And it was a feminine voice in a genre of musi... 
Streamer Recommendations
I recently purchased a Moon 280 D, the least expensive streamer in the Moon line at $4K. I compared it against my computer running Tidal into a Chord Qutest. I immeditately heard that the Moon was livlier, not nearly as dark as the computer Qutest... 
What is the most important component in your audio chain?
But without that most important component it all lacks passion. I think music is the purist of all human arts because it has no analogue. The visual arts, even abstract and non-representational art are referential. Reading is also referential. Des... 
Why do certain records wear so quickly?
Antinn, thank you for your detailed response. I put lables and dates on my records when I put them in the Degritter. "The Rhythm of the Saints" now has three labels. Once I see that, I know the album has problems. I have found in the past that buy... 
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
I recently purchased a Moon 280 D streamer. Bottom of the line for Moon's line, but I couldn't hear much of an improvement in more expensive streamers. I stream music much more than playing CDs on my McMormack universal disc player. When I do drop... 
"Cleaning" Vinyl Makes It Worse Not Better!
I've had a Degritter for about 3 years. It's a work horse and cleans well. Sometimes a record cleaned in the Degritter later picks up gunk and has to be cleaned again. There is nothing you can do about groove wear or even loud vinyl. There is no s... 
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
I purchased a Moon 280 D streamer with DAC, at $4K is Moon's least inexpensive streamer. I tested it against what I was currently running. A laptop computer running Tidal software through a Chord Qutest DAC. The Moon 280D immediately sounded more ... 
Looking for thoughts on Sonus Faber speakers
I have owned a pair of Olympica Nova Vs for about six months. They constantly surprise and delight me. I upgraded from a pair of Goldenear Two Pluses. Big jump in price, but also in quality. I think it is important what gear you use to run the No... 
What devices have you found useful when inspecting your stylii for cleanliness?
I use the magnifier on my iPhone, which zooms in more than I need, and a flashlight. I no longer use any cleaning fluid on my stylus. Years ago I had an expensive Grado Reference and my cleaning lady bent the cantilever. Grado agreed to straighten...