Responses from atmasphere
Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles Hi jd, I know at least one guy in Deephaven, but I don't think he's on audiogon. I wonder if a meetup for the local 'goners is worthwhile? Have you been over to other's places to hear their systems? | |
Attention Minneapolis Audiophiles I had no idea there were so many goners in the area. You certainly don't see them at the audio society meetings.Shadorne- you're in White Bear? | |
What could I expect to hear from a Class A amp? The 'big players' prefer to sell convenience. IMO, their equipment sounds like it is built for that too :)So there is plenty of room in the market for smaller companies that base their marketing and products on higher performance features like Cla... | |
A great linestage/preamp "makes" a great system If the preamp is dropping the ball with the signal, loosing detail and bandwidth, that sort of thing, there is no way the power amplifier will be able to restore it downstream. As a consequence the preamp is the heart of the system- everything ema... | |
Please disclose your commercial affiliation With regard to the conflict of interest: in my own case, I simply respond to questions that I actually know the answer to. I try to avoid directly recommending our gear, though I am often tempted. It just seems to me that if you go for that bait t... | |
Please disclose your commercial affiliation I always figured my moniker said it all. That's why I chose it. | |
stillpoints question The way it works is, if you have to isolate from the platform you are on, use squishy stuff. If you have to couple to the platform you are on (it is acoustically dead), use hard points like the Stillpoints.A 1" thick hardwood platform is not likel... | |
"tube watts" versus "solid state watts" So if its not clear- the difference in tube and transistor watts has to do with distortion- generally speaking tubes have more distortion, but most of that is lower order which the human ear/brain system does not care about. Transistors tend to ha... | |
Driving 1 ohm The Scintilla does not need a lot of power. We drove it very easily with a set of MA-1s and a set of our Z Music autoformers (we no longer make that product, but something similar is sold under the name ZERO). Its not normally a load that you woul... | |
Best amp for Coincident Total EclipseII Israel has a set of MA-1s. Most of the speaker line concept was developed in the late 90s when he had M-60s. | |
Driving 1 ohm Rwwear, in the real world, people want to use OTLs with low impedance speakers. If you use an autoformer to do this, you often meet with success. The fact of the matter is that the autoformer has bandwidth that is wider than most amps, tube or sol... | |
Are contact treatments worth the money? If I can offer some comments- one should be wary of any contact enhancers that leave behind an oily deposit. In certain situations, the oil can migrate and affect circuits that it shouldn't.I've seen contact enhancers applied to tube sockets and i... | |
Reel to Reel Restoration/Repair It seems that for different machines there is a different expert. I found that out when servicing the Otari and Studer decks in our studio last year when working on the LP my band was recording.Teacs and Tascams are usually fairly easy to service ... | |
Which used Merlin VSM offers best bang for buck?? You're kidding right? Just get the one you can afford- you can't *go* wrong... | |
How to lower noise floor through mods? IMO/IME its a Bad Idea to bypass coupling caps. The result is smearing. The more resolution your system has, the more you hear it. On low resolution systems it may sound like that cap got speeded up a little.Your best shot is to put in the best co... |