

Responses from atmasphere

Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Normally we are accustom our ears are accustom to what we prefered more than what is right. Of course some of you already know what is right or wrong but some of us are not aware of that subject and what I'm saying is for the ones that are not awa... 
Stainless Steel Binding posts on speakers?
One potential problem with Stainless is the galling effects of the nut on the speaker post- over time they may tend to lock up on the threads if the post and the nut are the same material.Stainless cannot be soldered so it may well be that the act... 
Class A Watts
If an amp is running some bias current so that the output transistors are always on but the bias current is (very) low then essentially the amp is biased into class-A. I think that they call these power amps 'sliding class-A power amps' meaning th... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Raul, I have Vangelis' 1492 on LP; it absolutely **smokes** the CD version, better bass, more detail, smoother high end, greater extension, obviously more transparent (less distortion). Its does not seem to matter what digital system used, the res... 
Stainless Steel Binding posts on speakers?
Traditionally high end manufacturers tend to use the best conductors they can for speakers and amplifiers. Stainless is nowhere near the best conductor. If not copper, a better idea would be brass...Mechans is correct about copper. If properly han... 
Class A Watts
Going class A is a method of reducing distortion. In a high end amplifier that is supposed to sound like music, this can really help in a lot of cases.Class A is not the defining criteria though. There are all kinds of design considerations that a... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
I see. Raul, in a nutshell you are making it sound like everyone is nuts (misinformed, whatever) except you. 
90db 4 ohm with tubes?
Al, the amp will be fine on that speaker if it employs negative feedback of sufficient amount. At that point it will behave as a voltage source as far as the 28 ohm peak is concerned. 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
We customers decide almost nothing on which audio item should I buy.This is bogus and possibly insulting. IME people buy based on the idea that if the manufacturer's, dealer's, distributor's or reviewer's lips are moving, than he is probably lying... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Raul, I'm calling bogus on your last post. You idea of EQ is skewed. Once played back, LP has less phase shift than digital, owing to its superior bandwidth. Phase shift introduced in record is canceled out in playback. In terms of distortion digi... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
there can be no comparison IMHO either in design or practice between the precision, significance, magnitude or commonality in practice of the errors common or possible with the half century old 33 1/3 vinyl system compared to modern digital.Analog... 
Pre-amps with seperate power supplies .....
I bought my Cardas power cords at CES in 1990, about 5 years after we switched to IEC connections. By that time Cardas was already doing quite well for himself :)I do remember thinking that I didn't want to deal with how people would cut up the wi... 
HELP-woofer moves alot when playing lps
A rolloff point at 18Hz will cause phase shift up to 180Hz- IOW, 10X the cutoff frequency. The phase shift will manifest as a loss of impact, increasing as frequency is decreased. This might not be all that noticeable if the speaker has an LF cuto... 
Preamp for headphone use
The Atma-Sphere MP-1 line stage can drive headphones like that directly from its main outputs. 
What's with 4 ohm speakers?
Jjrenman, you are absolutely correct. People commonly assume that Efficiency and Sensitivity are the same but that is only true into exactly 8 ohms.