

Responses from atmasphere

Why I enjoy my Luminous Audio passive unit, vs an additional gain stage ( preamp )
I hear no difference between my dac feeding the amp directly, vs the Luminous in the system ( although, I do hear the additional 1/2 meter Audio Research Litz interconnect, needed, with the passive ). Yes, this cable has a sound ( all cables, ... 
Total bass suck out at 40hz
who would have thought that it would be so absolutely awesome. I don't know why it works but it dang sure does.Actually the explanation for why is posted above. And also explains why the 4th will help too- but beyond that is a vastly diminishing r... 
Potential Sound Quality From 1950’s Microgroove
The Triplanar is one of the easiest tonearms to mount and runs circles around the SME IMO. Not cheap though, but its so easy on the vinyl! I paid way more for my records.... 
A question of bias for new tube set
You *always* set the bias to the manufacturer's recommended setting. If you run increased bias, this could put the power transformer in the amp at risk. Hopefully not of course, but its not worth the risk! 
Second hand vinyl surface damage.
If you see the scratch through the lead-in grooves between cuts that means you're going to hear it. If it disappears between cuts its probably inaudible.  
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
It’s no wonder that two main speakers and four subs are not of interest except for the dedicated few. ;^)I just bought an M&K sub for my bedroom system. I found it on craigslist for $150.00 which seemed fine to me and it works well. But its n... 
Need Help Locating Schematics for Bedini 100/100
That should be easy to find- that's the 2.5" diameter; try looking for one that is rated 75Volts, you might have an easier time.  
BEL 1001 MK5 driving Joseph Audio Pulsars
The genre of music makes no difference. If anyone could find a way to make a speaker or electronics favor a certain kind of music they would be a millionaire overnight :) 
Wife opened door to build my best ever system...ideas for what it should be?
I would start with the Swarm subwoofer system.This will take care of the bass issues so you get proper bass at the listening position in almost any room, from about 75Hz and down to 20Hz.This frees up the main speakers to not have to go down so de... 
Need Help Locating Schematics for Bedini 100/100
What is the diameter of the cap? 
Need Help Locating Schematics for Bedini 100/100
If the fuse is good the next thing to do is see if the power supply is running since it affects both channels. It should be making about 45 volts or so plus and minus on the output transistors. If this sounds at all intimidating, take it to a tech... 
Matching tube preamp to ss amp
Actually 2800 ohms isn't bad- what's important is the output impedance at 20Hz; the 2800 ohm figure was probably at 1000Hz. If the output impedance at 20Hz is greater than the 1000Hz value (which is common unless the preamp does not employ an outp... 
BEL 1001 MK5 driving Joseph Audio Pulsars
2007 is probably not old enough yet for the power supply caps to be in trouble.  
Correct Way to Invert Phase
We've had a polarity switch on our preamps since their inception in 1989. IME you can really only hear a minor difference if you have a 2 or 3 mic recording; anything multitracked or multimiked will sound the same in either polarity.  
Need Help Locating Schematics for Bedini 100/100
This amp is not that complicated. A competent tech should be able to sort it out. Both channels dead is likely a power supply problem. Blown fuse, damaged circuit breaker, stuff like that. You checked the fuse of course??