Responses from atmasphere
No more "High End" for me...Back to Reality Audio But it sounds FANTASTIC...You can't believe 8 watts into KEF LS50 Metas would even work, nevermind sound like it does.....Something is wrong with the whole High End HiFi picture..... @rbertalotto Not really: there is a reason Nelson Pass name... | |
Atma-Sphere Class D getting some love Yes. | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? Say from 220uf to 100 instead of going all the way down to 47uf. @fiesta75 You work out the timing constants. The amp likely does not have a timing constant in the audio circuit that is less than 5Hz since the output transformer won't go down... | |
Atma-Sphere Class D getting some love I wonder if the amps pair well with tube preamps, and if so which ones are good candidates. The input impedance is 100KOhms single-ended or balanced so will work with any tube preamp. | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? thank you very much. A couple more questions: 1) is it able to tell from the diagram if there other rectifier that can be used and handle the current drawn by the 220uF capacitor? 2) is it necessary or recommended to change the other two capaci... | |
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ... He said 'an amplifier is a straight wire with gain', defining his belief that 'all well designed amplifiers sound the same'. @clearthinker When he said that, apparently no 'well designed amplifiers' existed- they all sounded different! On top o... | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? Yes, mine also has 220uF capacitor, and yes, the arcing only happens when the amp is turn on. After than, and if the fuse doesn’t blow, the amps sound fine. Nailed it! I would replace the capacitors after the choke with 50uF devices rather tha... | |
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ... These alleged sonic difference between power amplifiers, are they musically significant? They can be! I think the mistake that Julian Hersch and a lot of the folks over at ASR were/are making is arbitrarily deciding how low distortion has to be... | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? If it is, that 220uF value seems really high to me! An SET is a class A device so the load on the power supply is constant. If you cut all those values in half I think you’ll find that the rectifiers hold up just fine. This appears to me to be a ... | |
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes I have the Shuguang Treasure 6SN7s on my Don Sachs preamp. Don says in his website that these simply walk away from the holy grail NOS tubes. That's quite a statement. Obviously this is not the case with all NOS a lot of the culture t... | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? min the diagram, I need to add two diodes per tube, am I correct? Yes. I agree something is up in the amps- the 5U4 should easily handle the load all on its own. It sounds like something is causing an excessive load during warmup, which is a c... | |
No more "High End" for me...Back to Reality Audio Even had another powers urge last Saturday and this time I was home. A power surge should never knock out anything more than a fuse. If the equipment was off at the time, its more likely it was a lightning strike on the AC line, which can take ... | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? A 5U4 should handle that load just fine. I think you've had bad luck with tubes... Is this happening in both channels? Do both channels sound the same? | |
Indicators of worn/bad capacitors? visual clues include swelling, discharge of any substance at the base of the capacitor, heat discolouration and general old age (although old caps can still function OK). This is only if the capacitor is heating up. If the cap isn't heating abo... | |
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem? @gte357s One thing that can cause rectifier tubes to arc is too much capacitance at the input of the power supply. What amp are you using? I've seen a lot more arcing failure with Russian made rectifier tubes. Depending on the amp you may have ... |