

Responses from asvjerry

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@uncledemp ....Oh, I dunno, UncaDee *tease* I don’t think the various levels of ’density’, or for that matter, ’xtremisms’ are that much greater than the general pop. For all the pixel space I turned to waste ’round here, no entity has yet to men... 
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@brev ... No entrance fee, no bribes. no bouncers....well, not obvious ones on the 1st, none would seem to work on the 2nd (but no party hinting at any, either). As for the 3rd.... getting a post of yours ’bounced off’ is the most typical, gettin... 
Give Up on Bacch?
@OP .....I'm as curious to read your observations as @cundare2 , but have no dog nor wallet in this stage of your conundrum.... Any experiment generally has a cost.  Considering the overall $'s involved, think of it as getting to drive an F1 McLa... 
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@bdp24 ....*hmmm*  Personally, I'd flip that equation....but recent developments have made that almost moot... "...the 'classical and stereotype ' of The Audiophile is a wonkish sort, garretted away 'midst neat crates filled with LP records, with... 
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...jus' teasin', 'cuz I've about 'n out..... ;) 😎😏  
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@tvad  ....I'll give you my 'insincere code' and watch you melt? That ought to be a 1st for the 'gone.... ;) I have more 'fun' doin' what I do with what I've brun to run than the *ahem* mere 'plug 'n play'.....  
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
One could at minimum engage in some DSP magik with a furnishing shuffle, a 'to taste' rug, and pleasing fabric hangings that mask some absorption materials... Viola'!  A 'freshened' space with a new 'audio-positive' stance... The SigOther(s?,,,,... 
Give Up on Bacch?
@treepmeyer, when I’d read the previous comments from the ’who’s going to Axpona’ forum post-show, there was the impression of the need to be ’sweet spotted’ due to the camera and the ear mics..... I’ll not surmise or comment further, as it would... 
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@tomic601 ... I'll put that on my dance card, but the Pac NW is most likely when we @ AshPlay get a client with taste, money, 'a Vision', mo' money, and a desire to take the Treehouse Master Mob to task.....and even more $s' .... (We'll need some... 
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@deep_333 ....I've refrained from posting pics since imho most would be bored and unimpressed....  'SOTA' only in the State Of That Affordable v. Stuff Of Transient Admiration. ;) Due to changes, the space occupied by it, me, and the speaker arra... 
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@tomic601...regards to my hometown city, the 110, 105, & 405 when in LB....not sure when/if I /we ’get back to where I once....’ ....the more it changes, the more it stays the same.....😏 But most of that I'd recognize likely doesn't exist an... 
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@mahgister  ...there's a variant of the FFLS that expands upon it. *S* I'll dredge it up and see if I can get the pdf to stick.... ... even the afflicted can grasp it.... ;)  
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@snilf ....if you've still doubts about self and your 'audio bent' (ignoring 'phile' and the connotations of such).... You Belong.  The fact that you've not only faced some slings 'n shots and hung in is one characteristic needed here..... #2: Y... 
Axpona 2024 who is going and why?
@shkong78 Good that you're feeling better Xcept for missing the show, which can't help but disappoint....:( Fortune willing and the middle east remaining relatively intact, there's AX25.  It being a 7 day venture ( 2 to, 3 at, 2 back)(,,,or more;... 
Axpona 2024 who is going and why?
Thanks, @f208frank & ​​@dgarretson for y'alls' Bacch view (pun intended)...👍👌 Seems a pity that something with such potential would just reinforce 'sweet spot lockdown', esp. at that/those price levels.  The speaker type selection isn't such ...