

Responses from artizen65

Roku SoundBridge vs. SqueezBox3
Ok,I finally downloaded Itunes at Roku's suggestion. It does everything right. I like the way Itunes saves the song lists vs other players. I can now browse and search .wav files by artist, album, song and playlist on the soundbridge.Itunes will c... 
Roku SoundBridge vs. SqueezBox3
All,Thankyou for your responses. Even the Terrat who missed that I was connectiong via ethernet (cable) to the soundbridge.I have had the soundbridge for 2 days now on loan from my favorite dealer. It works with MusicMatch 8.2 if you are using mp3... 
Break In for Pre/Power Amps
Muratc,Having the speakers connected to the amp is a must. You have to have a load on the amp for current to flow through it.Setting the volume level to high is really of no consiquence in the breakin process. All you will do is generate more heat... 
Please Help
I would recomend the 2 piece route, Transport and DAC.Theta made an execelent transport in the Data Basic II. It comes up for sale on audiogon ocasionally for $550-$600.That leaves the DAC I have the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista there are 2 on the g... 
Medium Floorstander for McIntosh/Esoteric CD 5000
The new B&W 803S come in at $5,500 a little over your budget but well worth an audition. 
Mc352, C2200 drive SFGP Home or B&W N803
Keny,I vote for the N803 being a biased N803 owner.Michael 
Best Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona Series
Grakesh,I had a chance to hear the Musical Fidelity A5 integrated with the Cremona at the 2005 RMAF and thought it was a very good combination.Michael 
B&W HTM4s verses HTM2 center speaker
The bigger question is what are your current Front L/R speakers. In other words what timbre match are you trying to achieve. The FST driver has been re designed for the HTM4s. If I am not mistaken the tweeter is mounted on top of the cabinet inste... 
Musical Fidelity Kw500 & Bryston A/V: Set up HELP
Ok here it goes.Connect the front L/R pre out of the Bryston to the aux input on the Musical Fidelity. Set the volume on the MF at a predetermined setting say 9:00. Calibrate the bryston center and rear to match the output of the MF and you are go... 
How do I correctly store 10 new preamps?
In the attic are you nuts. I vote for the living room. 
Dedicated Lines and Wall Boxes
Marc,I would go with 3 dedicated lines 1 for your AMP/AMPS, 1 for your digital equipment and 1 for your analog equipment. As far as the location keep in mind that most power cords are 6' in length even for aftermarket unless you want to pay for th... 
Help Recommendations - Home Theater/ Music Listen
Jbl3,FWIW I would start buy building a top quality 2 channel system and then integrate your HT with it. Purchase a Pre Amp or integrated with a HT bypass. This allows for a connection from your AVP to the bypass input and uses just your amplifer t... 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Marco,There is third party software out now that will copy your tunes from your Ipod to your computer. Which means yes there is a digital output of the Ipod now just how you access that I don't know.Sorry I could not be of more help.Michael 
CDP for MF A308 integrated
I will second krell_man's suggestion. The A308 CDP is an outstanding player. 
cd transports
Gmardinly,What is your budget and what DAC are you using. That said I am using a Theta Digital Data Basic II and loving it.Michael