

Responses from artizen65

Analog experiment
Arthur,I like your testing methadology.I have heard that the Sumiko Blue Point cartridges have a CD sound. Don't know if I agree but with my setup my vinyl and CD are very close. I enjoy both formats.Vinyl Project RM4 with a Sumiko Blue Point cart... 
cable dielectric cause of artificial sound
Scar,I am afraid I agree with a lot of what Steve says. Below is a post with 2 links in it I suggust you read.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1160450950&openmine&zzArtizen65&4&5#Artizen65What you are refering to i... 
Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp
Holly,Hi, I sugust you give AudioMagic X-Stream power cords.Power Cord:-- 6 ft. length only.-- 12 ga. double-coated silver-over-copper conductors.-- Teflon dielectrics.-- Mylar dampening.-- Heavy-duty molded ends.-- Triple shielded.I paid $100.00 ... 
How to hook up a computer to a home theater
Poster check out Roku they have a box that does both audio and video. 
Home Theater help?
lel,After doing a little reaserch I found what I was looking for. Both BlueRay and HD DVD players output native 1080p. So one of the first questions I have is are you going to go with the new video format now or in the future. If so then I would g... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
Scientist,A lot of good advice above. I am running the MF A308 Integrated and the MF TriVista DAC. I am using Synergistic Research cabeling throught with good success. I would suggust you go with copper cables as as the high end frequency response... 
S.F. Stradivari vs Dynaudio Temptation
Ok this is memory taxing.Lets see the Strads are 40K are you sure these are the only 2 choices. What kind of music does your friend listen to? What are they looking for in a speaker? What kind of sound do they like?I have only heard the Strads at ... 
Ipod to Digital Out
Peter_sThe Ipod is capable of digital out. BUT it takes software to do that. The new Itunes interface will read the songs from your Ipod and put them on your hard drive. Before this there were 3d party applications that would acomplish the same th... 
Is Digital actually better than Analog?
Ok here is all I know I have a very modest vinyl system and a somewhat more expensive digital system. I enjoy them both. Telling the difference between the two is a toss-up for me. I honestly feel that to achieve what vinyl is truley cappible of I... 
What should be the first component when upgrading?
Wow,Lots of advice and opinions. Ok here it goes http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_squeezebox.html at $249.00 either connected to your powerbook via ethernet or wireless is the way to go for your front end. End of discussion the analogue out far surpa... 
Has anyone heard the Musical Fidelity KW750
Bigbear,It would be helpfull to know the rest of your system, that said. I will try and answer both your amp and pre amp posts here. I have spent a few hours with both the KW pre and KW750 amp but not in my system. The speakers were Sonus Faber Cr... 
Use Krell KAV-1500 to Bi-Amp B&W 801, Possible?
Havanese,My suggestion would be to contact bluejeans cable or your favorite XLR cable manufacture and see if they would be willing to build you 2 splitter cables to go from your PRE to your amp. It is nothing more than one connector on one end usi... 
What is Best Sound from PC into MF Tri-vista
rdemasi@bellsouth.net,Well I chose the following because I use Itunes on a windows machine streaming .WAV files. The Roku works with the Itunes database flawlessley. You have complete control from the Roku using the remote, of your .WAV files thro... 
Amp/Pro suggestion - B&W N802/HTM1 rotel/outlaw?
Raza,The difference is 3db between the two amps. Which will more than likely only be noticed in dynamic head room. At normal listening levels you should not notice a difference. That said B&K makes the ST 125.2 which is a 125 watt amp. Alot cl... 
Personal CD player evolution
1986 JVC 6 disc changer1989 Denon1989 Adcom2002 I think Denon 28002003 Theta Data Basic II Transport and Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista DAC. My last stop