Responses from arnold_h
Looking for the next level in imaging... I agree with what others have said about omnidirectional speakers. I recently heard a pair of German Physiks and can’t say I was impressed, very clean, airy, sound BUT absolutely no imaging. Everything sounded like it was all blended in together.... | |
So sad about Netflix sound quality. No one can hear it One thing I notice is on the majority of movies on Netflix or pretty much any other platform, Prime etc. there seems to very very little content from the rear surround channels. It’s not my system. | |
USB output on latest Bluesound Node There is only the usb port right below Ethernet port, that is what I am using. | |
USB output on latest Bluesound Node I did unplug it and remove the coax and still no sound. I also did go into the setup menu and changed some settings with no results. Bluesound did mention that some drivers may need to installed, I would assume they mean in my Oppo 205, well good... | |
Magnetar Yes that is correct, they both use Sabre dac chips but the Magnetar uses a lesser version for the surround output. Also one review I read on the Magnetar was that the volume level does not show up on the units display, only if headphones are plugg... | |
Magnetar IMO the Oppo 205 is still the king. The Magnetar 900 does not have as many digital inputs as the 205 and the dac chip for the surround domain is a lower quality one than in the 205. Very similar players other than that. | |
OPpo 205.... Awesome !! The Oppo 205 IS awesome, best universal blueray player period. I bought mine just before they discontinued them. Has worked flawlessly from the day I bought it. No other companies make a universal player with the same options and features of the O... | |
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally! I have a pair of original LRS and I must say, never heard Magnepan before, but all the rave reviews and the low cost, I was curious and ordered a set from the factory. I was truly blown away for the price, never hearing Magnepans before was a rea... | |
Sopra No 2's or other alternatives? As much as I like Focal speakers they have priced themselves out of my budget. I still own a large floor standing pair of JM Lab 946 Electra though. But I have heard the Sopra 2 and the 3 and I would say they were some of the best speakers I have ... | |
From B&W 804 D3 to Focal Sopra 2? I have heard the Sopra 2 and 3 and I would have to say when set up properly they were some of best sounding speakers I’ve ever heard. As far as the Anthem amp, 400 wpc should be more than enough. | |
is the Peachtree Gan400 discontinued? You might be right. I was on their website about a month ago and the Gan 400 was still listed. I just went on there again and it seems they discontinued all power amps. Just listing a few integrated amps and the Gan 1 Bluesound combo and that’s it. | |
Neat "Tweaks" to improve the SQ of your streamed music!!! I recently added a ifi Lan silencer to my streamer and believe it was a worthwhile upgrade. Streamed music is a little more transparent now, very close if not as good to the sound of the actual CD. | |
is the Peachtree Gan400 discontinued? As far as I know it’s not discontinued, it still is their flagship power amp. But they also came out with the Gan 1 and the Carina Gan. The Carina is a Gan integrated amp with Dac I believe, and the Gan 1 is kind of like a straight wire with gain... | |
Threshold Stasis S/150 I still own a Threshold S350e and a Fet 10e preamp, it works just as good as it did when I bought it 30 years ago. Funny, when I spoke to one of our repair shops regarding possibly needing recapping, he said it’s a myth. Basically said if it ain’... | |
what's a good Gan / Class D option under 3k? Nilai or Ncorex500? I have a Peachtree Gan 400 and am quite happy with it. |