
Responses from arnold_h

Element vs. Signal vs. ???
I have no experience with the other brands but I tried some Signal Cable Silver Resolution interconnects and all I can say is WOW! Resolution is something these cables have in spades. Extreme detail and resolution without any hash grain, infact th... 
JMLab Mezzo Utopia VS Verity Audio Parsifal
I also think the JM Lab would be a better choice for a larger room. I have not heard the Parsifal but I have heard the Fideleo and while it is a great speaker I think the Mezzo Utopia would give you better bass. 
Krell KPS 20i - What Standard vs a Modern Machine?
While I don't own a Krell KPS 20i I am very familiar with their sound as I spend a fair amount of time at a local hi fi dealer that sells Krell. They are an awesome player and as others have said they do have a lot of weight in the bass although I... 
novice needs help with cables
What I would do if you were planning to upgrade your speakers and other components is just to wait with the cable upgrades until you get your Wilsons or other components. Because, just the way us audiophiles tend to be, is that as soon as you get ... 
Spk cable? SignalCable to Nordost Blue Heaven
I would try the Signal Cable Silver Resolution series before spending money elsewhere. Although I have not tried their speaker cable yet, the Silver Resolution interconnect is simply amazing. Extreme purity with NO harshness, even before breakin. ... 
amp for infiinity kappa 9
Yes, as others have said, most Infinity speakers are VERY power hungry and the Kappa 9's are no exception plus getting parts for the older speakers can be tough. I have owned a pair of Renaissance 90's for the last 10 years and was driving them wi... 
JM Lab Electra users.... speaker cable termination
I use a biwire set of Audioquest Midnight cables terminated with spades on my 946 Electras. I like the more positive, solid connection of spades. Some banana plugs break off to easily if bumped. All boils down to personal preference, I'm a spade g... 
Speaker for Threshold amp and preamp
Your Threshold amp should be able to drive almost any speaker, they are excellent amps. I find Threshold amps to sound a little on the lean side and seem to sound better with a fuller, slightly warmer sounding speaker. I have a Threshold S350e amp... 
Big Stupid Warm Speakers
I was kind of in the same boat. Had a pair of Infinity Ren. 90s and got tired of the lean, lightweight sound. I upgraded to JM Lab 946 Electras and now have more of the slam and dynamics I was craving. Much easier to drive than the Infinitys were,... 
Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers
The older Threshold S and SA series amps can still hold their own against the newer equipment. I am quite familiar with them and have heard many of them over the years at a local dealer that used to sell Threshold. I currently have the S350e Class... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
I was also considering a DV-50s due to all the great reviews and comments about it but one thing kind of puzzles me though. Why are there so many for sale on Audiogon? Are they not as good as they are said to be and people are trading them off or ...