
Responses from arahl

Siemens -Halske 6922
My Siemens 6922 listening experience with ARC gear is extensive and the answer is simple: in a revealing system, good well matched examples (see below) smoke current Russian 6922's in almost every respect - detail, dynamics, imaging and transparen... 
What's the oldest piece of gear in your system?
A vintage tuner, of course. Sansui TU-919 from 1980. 
What music do you want to play really loud?
New DSP mastering of "Return of the Jedi" 
What's your latest "Discovery"
Original pre-Liberty pressings from Blue Note - especially form their regular stable of artists - Silver, Blakey, etc. 
PS Audio Premier- any users?
Checked yesterday and was told it had not been shipped yet. 
Survey-What is your most used source?
Turntable 60%; tuner 30%; video 9%; cd 1%... 
Cable Costs Relative to System
No regrets at all... 
Review: Audio Research Reference CD-7 CD Player
I jumped from a CD-2 to the CD-7, also with a Ref 3, so you all can imagine the improvement I experienced. On the subject of amps, I had been running Audio Physic Virgo II's with Pass Aleph 2 100 watt mono amps. I then went with Vandersteen Quatro... 
Amps and Quatros
I have Quatros with Audio Research Electronics - VM 220 mono amps, Ref 3 Preamp and PH-7 phono amp in a room about the size of yours and the sound is amazing. With decent recordings you can see right into the room they recorded in - even on FM. Gr... 
Amps for Virgo : TUBE or SOLID?
I have owned Virgos for two years and run them with Pass Aleph 2's (single ended, Class A, 200w into 4 ohms). They are out of production but still available used. I have also heard the Virgos with Classe, Krell, VAC and Audio Research, among other... 
Audio Physic: Virgo or Libra???
I have now had Audio Physic Virgos for the last 2 years and think they are terrific. I auditioned the Libras and decided to stick with the Virgos. I am now considering the new Avanti III's, which are just out as of the first of this year and are r...