
Responses from arahl

Audio Research Reference 320M is being debuted in Meunchen
They renamed it the Ref 330M because it puts out 330 watts.  Dave Gordon in his TAS interview at the Munich show said the price will be $90K for a pair.  The reviews of it from the show on YouTube are all very positive.  
Audio Research in Receivership.
It is true.  There are two pending ARC legal cases; one is a collection action by the secured bank lender and the other is a state court receivership under which the court appointed receiver is trying to sell the company as a going concern.  On Ma... 
New Audio Research Owner
Actually, there are two pending ARC legal cases; one is a collection action by the secured bank lender and the other is a state court receivership under which the court appointed receiver is trying to sell the company as a going concern.  On May 2... 
Called last week and they answered right away. 
Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?
I completely agree with the others who heard the 7s at Audio Connection. The ARC CD Player was the Ref-8; the Turntable was a Basis with a Graham Phantom arm. I think John said that the cart. was a Clearaudio Goldfinger. In his talk, Richard said ... 
Audio Research REF 3 and REF 5 Tweaks
- Run them without the top cover. 2nd choice - use the optional new plastic cover (for the Ref 3 - the Ref 5 already ships with the plastic cover).- Upgrade the power cord; I use Nordost Valhalla.- I agree that the feet it comes with are best - bu... 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
Which ARC monoblocks?Thanks, arahl 
FM antenna for the attic?
I strongly recommend the antennas from 
Audio Research Reference 5 Preamp
I have a Ref 5 and plan to write a post, perhaps even a review, about it. The reason I haven't yet is time - both my own time and the time required for burn-in. Perhaps by summer . . . 
HiFi tuning fuses, some benefits help
Laces - how did you clean up your power at the panel?thanks. 
Audio Research Ref 5 preamp
Kclone - I assume you mean original US-made Tung Sol 6550s, which run fine in ARC power supplies. I also think they sound better there than current Russian tubes do. The original Tung Sol puts out a bit less power than a 6550A or 6550C (35 watts a... 
Phono preamp evolution
ARC PH-3SEARC Reference PhonoARC PH-7ARC Reference Phono Two 
Blu-ray multi-channel analog vs. HDMI
I'm no digital expert but presumably Oppo is and it appears they agree with you about analog vs HDMI sound. The SE upgrade for their Model 83 is purely to improve sound quality - but it applies only to the analog outputs on the 83. Their website s... 
Your Favorite Top 10 tuners all time
Sansui TU-919, modified by Antenna Performance Systems, has retired the trophy for me. 
Benefit of Tube Dampers/Coolers on 6H30?
I've done a lot of tube rolling with my ARC gear and to me 6H30 DR's sound better than the current Russian alternatives. I also prefer ARC's tube rings to Herbie's.