
Responses from antigrunge2

Phonostage recommendations under $3K
For your music preference I‘d suggest the Zyx Artisan: battery driven, ultra quiet and the opposite of harsh. 
My thoughts on TT isolation methods.
@mijostyn,living in a house with brick double walls and a basement I am not sure what environmental rumble you might be referring to. If it existed I should get a feedback loop between speakers and cartridge when set on a record. 
Phono stage thoughts for Benz Micro Ruby Z
I run a MC Scheu cartridge (Benz variant) into an Aqvox 2ci Mk2 on balanced cables throughout. Works very well indeed with the lowest noise floor I have personally experienced 
What's your definition of an audiophile?
An audiophile is someone who listens. That requires focus and a good sense of what real music sounds like. Obsessive behaviour in my mind doesn’t an audiophile make. 
Best Speaker for classical music
For classical music the exact imaging of the soundstage and Hall acoustics are crucial. In my book that means omnidirectionals and simple cross overs: Shahinian, Duevel or open baffle Shindo, Ophelia, Auditorium23 
Analogue only preamp ideas? - no need for internal DAC!
Most attenators don‘t have remote control. If that is a requirement you can get a DACPre combo a la Mytec or Antelope Zodiac or you‘ll have to get a buffer attenator a la Pass 
Amp or DAC?
Absolute power is only one of the dimensions that matter: obviously, if you are trying to drive a difficult speaker load at say 80db efficiency, a lot of power is required. Conversely if you are driving 110db horn speakers a humble 2A3 valve amp p... 
My thoughts on TT isolation methods.
Lest you have a habit of bouncing off the walls, putting a mass loaded turntable on a wall mounted shelf addresses most conceivable vibration issues. 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
@djones51,unfortunately a digital volume control progressively leads to a loss of resolution as the available bits get truncated. As long as you stay above say 80% of max volume, your statement applies; below, not so much 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
@mitch2 I was obviously referring to analogue sources, not DAC outputs 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
@mitch2,@emergingsoulThe only case where I could think of mismatch issues between DAC, attenuator and power amplifier are impedance related: low output impedance on the DAC, high impedance inputs on the power amp or very poor choice of interconnec... 
Analogue only preamp ideas? - no need for internal DAC!
You got a great DAC and power amp. All you need is a good passive attenuator: top of the range is Wavac ATT-S but you‘ll equally get great results from -say a Modsquad in the second hand market 
High end stereo preamp vs mc preamp?
If you look for digital playback, save your money and either buy a DAC with an analogue volume control or a passive attenuator. The Pre will only act as an attenuator given modern DACs’ high output voltage. 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
Given high output voltages of modern DACs, the Pre becomes a glorified attenuator. The same result is achieved by either buying a DAC with analogue volume control or using a passive attenuator. There is really no good reason to use a Pre in digita... 
Concert halls from around the world. What have been your favorites.
Other than Musikverein, Concertgebouw and Boston Symphony Hall my vote goes to Wigmore Hall and the Tabernacle