
Responses from angelgz2

Hi McIntosh MC8207 owners, please help!
@imhififan thank you!!  
CLX ART with 2 sub connections
Thanks guys!  
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
@folkfreak Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely check those out. I think I got some pretty helpful suggestions here so thanks all for that! I want to point out two things though:One, I am not a fan of specification based decision making. My ... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
On a side note, anyone a Celtic music fan? I almost listen exclusively to Celtic music. Here are some artists I listen to: Loreena McKennitt Enaid --  Avalon - A Celtic Legend Méav Ní Mhaolchatha EnyaI also have some albums from Sara Brig... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
@atmasphere Actually I understand your point. It's true that the original master digital file could be closer to the original. It's not completely lossless like Vinyl -- I'm no expert, but do they sample above 786khz / 32 bit depth? If not, I ma... 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
I've been reading a lot of chats between modern-day vinyl users. The final "nail to the coffin" that made me decide to continue my digital path is exactly what @atmasphere mentioned: the master file isn't even being used. I read that in many moder... 
KT88 vs 6550 tubes
@dentdog thats true. I didn’t like the EAT tubes at all as they sounded muddy and lacked bass, despite being priced at $450 each. Popped my RCA 6550s and unit came back to life lol. I’ll see if I can track down a quad of black plates  
KT88 vs 6550 tubes
@dentdog actually there are also some original British Mullard KT88s. I’m not sure whether they are safe to buy because of my previous problem with the KT88s  
KT88 vs 6550 tubes
@dentdog there are quite a few Tung Sol NOS black plates on eBay. Are they not the same? I mean there’s no way to fake those things based on what I’ve read.  
KT88 vs 6550 tubes
Well, I don’t know man. The MC275 doesn’t even have a bias adjustment knob and manual says I can use both. No, no cherry red, just the golden glow like the color of a light bulb.  
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
"Since you already have excellent content, why on earth add another source where you have no content at all? Instead, why not just invest in a better dac / reclocker-regenerator / cable combo... Best!"Yup, I agree. This is the best advice. Thanks... 
Increase total Speaker Impedance -- Potential Solution
Hello! Thanks all for your input and thanks  @almarg  for your expertise again! The reason I needed to figure out a way to increase the impedance of my DIY unit is that the Zero Autoformers will soon have another use. I purchased a tube amp to be... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
@whitestix I was lucky to obtain a Mcintosh MC 275 tube amp at ridiculous price. I will test it with the MLs and let you know how it goes. Meanwhile, I found the following explanation from another user which I think really helped me understand why... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
@steakster thank you for the detailed feedback! You may just have saved me $4,500 going for that Mcintosh 275. @whitestix yes I would think so, but despite this logic, I’ve heard from many places, including the ML owners forum that some people swe... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
@steakster I know this is an old post but it’s interesting you mentioned tube amps works best with speakers with flat impedance curve. I was told that electrostatics like Martin Logan are best paired with a tube. However these speakers have very v...