
Responses from andy2

Directional cables - what does that really mean?
That's it?  I thought it would come in a weekly installment like the Bachelor ... er ... I mean the Bachelorette since it's our Kait :-) 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
 Im comparing mechnical to electrical Actually there is nothing different from "mechanical" and "electrical".  They are all made of electrons, protons, neutrals and so on.  We human beings are guilty of such categorization that leads to falsif... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Andy, let me explain something to you. Whenever you come here and post a comment and interrupt me, you’re breaking my concentration. You’re distracting me. And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. Understand? Now, we’re going to m... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
 Part 2 is coming. Will it be a mini-series type? 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
I can't wait for Part 2.  I got enough money for all the booze in the world lols. 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
There is no evidence to support the idea of tiny diodes occurring in wire or tiny magnets for that matter. I only repeat what I've read from the article.  I don't know either.  You're guess is as good as mine. As for high-speed communications,... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
If there are a “lot of tiny diodes” in the wire as you suggest how do you explain why they would all be in the same direction? I don't think I said that they would all be in the same direction.  What I said is that even if they are randomly di... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Anyway, since this forum does not allow posting picture or images so it's hard to discuss anything technical here, I created a thread over at and make an attempt, albeit a bit primitive and you could say "simple minded", to understand... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
If higher metal purity results in better sound, then Skoff’s imaginings show some merit. The differences can be small but the end product is a more enjoyable one, and to some, it’s worth it to pursue and make. I understand. It’s like in the court... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
The signal travels in one direction down the wire >>>>>>> from the source to the load. It is NOT alternating back and forth.The signal, energy, travels down the wire in the form of an electromagnetic wave from the source >&... 
"Loom" cabling vs. 'mix n match' ?
Would you mind sharing a bit of your path? I like Nordost a lot but my wallet doesn't like it so much. Don't be cheap :-).  You will be rewarded.   
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
So far there are a few possible phenomenals but no one has really able to articulate a plausible scientific explanation. Here are some that I have heard:1. Diode affect2. Metal latice structure due to manufacturing process3. Resistance (especially... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
This is an interesting subject to say the least.  Some say directionalSome say bsPatience costs money lols 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Had to choose one of many threads on the topic. Dart hit this one...On Directionality:by Roger Skoff // Positive Feedback "Which Way to Run a Cable" Thanks for the link.  Wi... 
The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste
Isn’t slew rate a function of the amplifier? Not the conductor. The advantage of silver is that the resistance is lower. Maybe someone should come up with copper-plated silver wire. Yes, but the conductor does play a role.  All cables act like ...