

Responses from analogvm15

Paper cone woofers died in 1962 .... a look back
Had a pair of Leak Sandwich speakers . Very good sounding on low watt tube amps. Look them up. IIRC foil and styrofoam? Sorry about no paper ref. 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
@lewm Thank you. I would have thought that cartridge design and build had been settled science long ago minus the exotic materials. MM, MI, LOMC, HOMC. Not much new under the sun. 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
@jtcf  Thanks. I think she wised up. Told my friend -stereo and vinyl nut and musician- he's to be the executor of the stereo stuff when I'm gone. Smart cookie. 
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement
What could possibly go into a phono cartridge which would make it cost $17K? No, really, I'd like to know. 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
I just hope when I'm gone my wife doesn't sell my stereo and flyfishing stuff for what I told her I bought it for.I'll have to leave her a note. 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
Men like to impress men.  Women like to impress women. Also, men like to impress women and women like to impress men.That's as far as I've got so far. 
An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?
At one time I had Rogers LS35As, DQ10s, and LaScalas in my living room powered by 300B/2A3 switchable amp, custom EL84 SE amp and a pair of modded Dyna70s. Mix and match. Maybe considered an "audiophile" then. Don't know- don't care.  All bought u... 
Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?
Grace 707 MKll  with the Grace F 9 cart.Pioneer PL 1000 linear tracking table with a Denon 103 D. 
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations?
Kind Of BlueLA 4Jazz At The Pawnshop 
looking for ideas on must have classical music
 Holst's Planets, Aaron Copeland, Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Vaughan Williams 
Just picked up three new cartridges to play on a KD 500 with Grace 707 with a Shure M75ED.
Thanks everyone again. Shure gives me some things to ponder. 
Just picked up three new cartridges to play on a KD 500 with Grace 707 with a Shure M75ED.
Thanks for all your replies. I'm still learning. But I feel confident coming here with what might be considered inane questions and get reasoned answers. "Shure. Sure" cracked me up. I paid $100 for this tonearm BITD. I can't believe how expensive... 
Magnavox PP EL84 Amp question
Thanks for all your replies. 
Turntable Mat question
I have a KD 500. Using the original mat. Sounds fine. Are there particular ones I might investigate for this turntable? Only if you have personal experience. Theory only goes so far. Thanks. 
How many audiophiles do you need to change a lightbulb?
Then there is the issue of bulb substitution. Incandescent vs. fluorescent vs led.