

Responses from amtprod

Bel Canto DAC 2.5, or Rega DAC~r?
Killer used integrated for
Another for Rega.Brio is great, or if you want to save a little more and are ok with larger size, the Rega Mira 3 line was really great (what I am currently running).  Not super powerful, but with Bookshelf monitor style, the integrated does great... 
I bought some Owens Corning 703. Now what?
@hilde45  Oh I see.  Yeah from these measurements maybe there isn't much if any reverb/cancelling/smearing from the asymmetrical room layout (to some extent).  Try the test anyway, just to see and maybe it will help identify other sonic issues as ... 
I bought some Owens Corning 703. Now what?
In looking at your room diagram, I was wondering if you notice any sort of channel dominance or time alignment/phase issues being made from the right wall: I think the bathroom is along that wall.  I ask because of how close and oddly comprised th...