
Responses from almarg

How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
Again, David, keep in mind that the QS’s damping factor is higher than it is for many and I’m pretty certain most high quality tube amps. Assuming the spec is accurate, for the 4 ohm tap a damping factor of 20 means an output impedance of 4/20 = 0... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
Your advice can help me eliminate candidate speakers that would pose similar challenges to my amp as these Focals have.Yes, David (@hilde45), as you realize and as I have said in a number of past threads that is precisely the main potential useful... 
Streaming: WiFi or wired??
Many wireless access points and routers conforming to IEEE 801.11ac are available these days which can support data rates approaching and even exceeding the 1000 mbps rate of typical modern Ethernet links. For those speeds to be realized, of cours... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Chris ( @cal3713 ) thanks for quoting my post from another thread in this one, where it is also relevant as you indicated. @riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook, keep in mind that the majority of tube-based components having line-level outputs emplo... 
Long run balanced interconnects
While in the majority of systems I would agree with my learned Audiogon colleagues and friends who have suggested placing the long cable between preamp and power amp, in this case I’m going to disagree. Of course, as was suggested what would be id... 
Long run balanced interconnects
What is the preamp?  Also, it may be helpful for us to know the make and model of the power amp.Regards,-- Al 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
@lewinskih01, I can’t comment on the sonic differences between the XA25 and SIT3 (I’m a very happy owner of an XA25, but I haven’t heard the SIT3). However a non-sonic difference that may be important in many applications is that the gain of the S... 
Long run balanced interconnects
It depends on a number of equipment-dependent variables, including the output impedances of the phono stage and preamp, other aspects of the designs of the output stages of those components (which may be unknown), the capacitance of the particular... 
Streaming: WiFi or wired??
The following thread will be of interest: The bottom line to my three lengthy posts in that thread is that I agree with what @mike_in_nc said in his post above.Regards,-- ... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Re the Bakoon 13R, be aware that the input impedance of its RCA input is only 10K, which will not be a good match for many and perhaps most tube-based components.I believe the other input choice provided by the 13R, a "Satri Link," would only be u... 
... from the what would you do department.....
It’s hard to say exactly what the problem might be without more knowledge about the design of the amp and the special cable which apparently is used to connect to it, but I suspect that it is related to some combination of three things:1) You’ve g... 
Prima Lunacy? (SuperTubeClock)
Impedance ... 2.35-12.2kohm Ouch! That would certainly make it a poor match for the input impedances of a lot of solid state components, especially considering the wide variation of impedance as a function of frequency. Additional detail from the... 
Prima Lunacy? (SuperTubeClock)
After reading the writeup on the "SuperTubeClock," and examining the waveform photos it provides after going to the URLs of the photos themselves (where they are presented in an easier to see form), I don’t consider this writeup to be BS or the Su... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
I'm also curious about the comments on Parallel builds of the 211 /845 being superior to single tube 211/845 based amplification? I can't shed any light on that, David.  Best,-- Al 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Hi again, David. I would add that it follows from what I said about output transformer quality (and various other factors as well) that generally speaking I would expect a 211 or 845 amp to cost a great deal more than a 300B amp providing comparab...