
Responses from almarg

Too good a post to waste
Thanks for that clarification, Geoff. To be sure it's clear, though, I was not referring to you when I referred to "subsequent responses insulting my system."Regards,-- Al  
Too good a post to waste
Gentlemen (and others), this thread is not about me or my system. My initial lengthy post which precipitated much of the recent argument provided technical explanations supportive of the belief that cables can sound different depending on the appl... 
Too good a post to waste
Millercarbon:... if everyone really believed this then no one would be recommending any wire (or anything else) without saying it only works this way with such and such an impedance. Otherwise its "exactly the opposite (or at least very different)... 
Too good a post to waste
Glupson, Uberwaltz, Frogman, thank you kindly for the nice words!Best,-- Al 
Too good a post to waste
A cable forms part of an electronic circuit, together with the output stage of the component providing the signal, the input stage of the component receiving the signal, and potentially with a lot of other circuitry in those components as a result... 
What songs/albums/artists actually sound worse when played through audiophile systems?
The time coherence stuff is super interesting to think about too. Not sure how it would affect some recordings more than others, though. Any ideas about that? It has been a few years since I performed a lot of comparisons in my system between hav... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
To add to my previous posts on this subject, an illustration of what a clipped waveform looks like: As you can see it alternates (going both positive and negative), as does the original signal of cou... 
What songs/albums/artists actually sound worse when played through audiophile systems?
While a superior system, properly set up, will of course make great recordings sound better than an inferior system, it may or may not make most poor recordings sound worse than on the inferior system.  A very fine line separates the two outcomes,... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
@djones51, not sure what I can add in response to your questions other than the generalities I stated at the end of my previous post. Basically, the more severe the clipping is the more likely it is to be noticeable, and the more likely it is t... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
@nakam @djones51 When the amp clips the current doesn’t alternate but behaves like DC which the capacitor in the crossover will pass, especially bad for tweeters While I of course agree that overdriving an amp to the point of clipping, or at least... 
SMSL 98E killed my setup?
The atom was turned on, and I think the smsl was also turned on. I also had the volume cranked pretty high on the atom, with GAIN turned on. Yes, that’s probably what caused the damage. Although it is sometimes ok to plug and unplug XLR cables wit... 
SMSL 98E killed my setup?
Roberjerman: You can connect a preamp into the aux input (or any high-level inputs) of an integrated amp. Just keep the volume control low so you don’t overdrive the preamp section of the integrated amp. This is correct.Santiagol: From what I unde... 
Hard disk for Music Server
I’d go with cheap drives in a decent NAS enclosure connected via Ethernet. That’s certainly a reasonable suggestion, Erik, **if** (IMO) it is supplemented by an additional backup on a completely separate drive or set of drives. For example, if th... 
Hard disk for Music Server
As someone who has a goodly amount of experience building my own very fast computers (which among other things I use for editing of 4K video material, which is a very challenging task for a computer), here are my thoughts:I agree with @rbstehno th... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
... the Parasound Hint 6 which required volume of 75% to get moderate listening level. Klipsch are extremely sensitive so this puzzled me. The dealer thought it was normal, I thought the amp was faulty though everything appears to work otherwis...