
Responses from allenf1963

Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are?
So @stereo5, what should I have for breakfast?  Good ever heard of asking a question to strike up a conversation?  I find threads like this enjoyable and informative -- if you play along you might discover some "new to you" music.   ... 
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?
I’m absolutely ROTFLMFAO at most of these replies. The Selling Cabal that ordains, "I’m insulted by offers that God Himself deems as Low Balling, therefore the Serf doesn’t deserve the sweat off my brow", can happily be one of those listings I’ve ... 
Any High End Tube Preamps with *gasp tone controls?
@uncledemp    The Schiit Loki is amazing.  Allows fine tuning without overdoing it, and the price is ridiculous.   
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing
Biggest questions:  Have you totalled up the total money you spent chasing the "perfect" DAC sound; Does your spouse know the figure; and where do you hide the Goose laying the golden eggs to afford this hobby?   Inquiring minds are eager to know!  
Why is Audiogon insisting on a verified physical address in order to post?
Just do what I've done for years.   Get an address at a UPS Store under a fake name, a location with a real physical address,  and use Burner phones by the carton.  Screw the Man trying to track me 😉.   
Randy Meisner has passed away.
His vocals on "Try and Love Again" are gut wrenching.  Sheer beauty.   
Help me choose an Audio Research preamp/line stage (Please?)
I love my recently purchased SP-17 with Phono Pre. It was a consignment sell through a boutique dealer I work with. I had treated he and his wife to concerts by Godspeed You! Black Emperor and King Buffalo concerts, so I got it for $1,500 -- fresh... 
Phono Preamp Recs under $200 for My System
Hard to beat the Schiit Audio Mani 2 for under $200.  I paired one with my old Rega P3 that I gave my son for his first system.  Klipsch speakers and a NAD Amp and he was in heaven.  
Stereophile review of Millercarbon system featuring Tektron speakers
I will refrain from praising or bashing MC.  Life Tennessee Moonshine, he was an acquired taste.   I am curious about the current health or status of Oldhvymech, or his username similar to that?  The Forum Member that always brought a smile to m... 
Baffled by Pricing Strategy
@brewerslaw I’ve been baffled by audio gear pricing for years, so you are not alone. I have no doubt that some (or many) listings are because a spouse has demanded to "get rid of all your extra junk not being used". Sellers post an item at a rid... 
Selling gear made to be a set
Unless you are in need of cash, I would put the gear in storage just to make sure going purely streaming is your final solution.   I own every piece of gear (including the boxes and manuals) all the way back to my first system in 1977.  I have 5 d... 
Am I defective?
It's not you.  Remember,  the YouTubers get paid by their views and subscribers.  The bigger "act" they put on, their "over the top" actions so to say, gets "clicks" and "upvotes" -- all which earn them more money.   Some reviewers are truly mov... 
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu?
I’m so glad there are so many others out there that refused to give up the herb and hash, even when we had to "grow up and be responsible".   Some great suggestions already given, but I’ll second the already mentioned "Animals" by Floyd -- you g... 
A'gon joke...
@thecarpathian    Try making a joke about the Audiogon Mods and see how far over your head it goes.  Jeez, you and @nonoise need to lighten up.  More like @nosenseofhumororsarcasm.   Peace out.  
A'gon joke...
I actually believe I have more Freedom of Speech in Siberia and Beijing than I do on an Audiogon Forum...