

Responses from albertporter

Shipping via UPS.
I am in the group that has terrible luck with UPS. I think that it would be safe to say that some level of damage has occurred on about every type of audio product I have ever dealt with. I once shipped a transistor amp, a small one, about the siz... 
Wolcott amps The best tube amps?
Dkarmeli, absolutely correct on bad sound at the CES. Just read my comments listed under the "Vandersteen 5" heading. Anyway, I did hear the Lamm Audio amps (the $30,000.00) ones, and they did sound great. I do not know what, if any, lesser priced... 
Wolcott amps The best tube amps?
Yes, I heard Wolcott's at the CES in Vegas a few weeks ago. Lucky for me, I had helped with the set up in a couple of rooms, and the Soundlab speakers (A1 and Millennium) were in rooms very near each other. What value is that? The Soundlab M1's we... 
opinion on vandersteen 5
The model 5 is the best Vandersteen ever made. The model 4A (very limited production) was the only other Vandersteen even close. The really great news about the model 5 is that it's subs are powered by its own enclosed amp. That means you can inve... 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
No electrical mods needed for the KT66 tubes. I have been running them in both Io power supplies for many months, and I leave my units on 24 hours a day. One warning, the KT66 tubes are too tall for the cover. Listen first, and if you agree with m... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
Jazzman, that last posting was from me,(marked 01-20-00). sorry my name did not print. However, as long as I am posting again, in response to the comments about the telephone at Soundlabs by "Vacuum Tube at SW Bell," many high end manufacturers ar... 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
Gerry, I agree with your choice in tubes, I purchased a similar selection for my Io. In addition, I have two outboard power supplies (custom mods required from Jim White at Aesthetix). In addition to the twin power supplies, call Kevin at Upscale ... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
If you have a large enough room, and sufficient money, the Soundlab Ultimate One is the best electrostatic made. I also think it is the finest speaker made of any type, and at any price, However, at over $27,000.00 for the Ultimates Ones, there ar... 
What AC Power Cord sounds best?
The answer is that this requires testing. My answer will be absolutely correct for some readers and wrong for some others. Not every component will react the same way with a given power cord. I think if you had only one shot at it, the best choice... 
Hey, thats cheating. But, I like it! How about you come to one of our listening sessions and bring that baby along. 
I agree with Curio on the SME 30, it is indeed one of the best in the world. And since I own the Walker, and no one has named the other obvious "best" turntable, I will. The Rockport Cirrus. 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
Aesthetix IO (as in moon, not ten) is balanced design and has provision for single ended output as plus or minus phase as well. Has well regulated outboard power supply, user adjustable load for phono cartridge, completely adjustable output gain f... 
Best Cartridge cost no object
First, sorry I delayed in response. I was out of town. The Insider is not as extended in the high frequency’s or quite as detailed as the Reference, but they share pretty much the same personality otherwise. The Keuwetsu (which I choose) is warmer... 
Best Power Conditioner under $1,000?
Generally, unless you live in a place with horrible power problems, you are better off spending the $1000.00 on other things. Most power conditioners hurt as many things as they cure. 
Best Cartridge cost no object
The answer, not in order is: Keuwetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, Keuwetsu Onyx Platinum, ClearAudio Reference and Insider. Reasonable contender for much less money, Benz Micro Ruby or Reference.