
Responses from aktchi

I love my Vandersteen's but . . . . . . . .
Congratulations on your "stability", I appreciate a kindred spirit. Some people move through four speakers in a year. :) It also means your next choice is relatively more important as you may be living with it for many years. I don't share musical... 
Spendor SP1 and SP1/2 owners...
Mp666: $450 is great for these. Can't imagine how you could have done better. Let me know how you like them. 
Buy DVDR now or let standards/technology settle?
Rwwear: Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is to record shows off-air (antenna). We don't have cable. Partly our limited interest in what is broadcast, partly lousy service in our area. So the choice is indeed between a VCR (which will do until ... 
Just Rec'd the OPPO DVD player today
Does anybody see any reason to have separate units for recording and normal playback, or is it fine to use one unit for both tasks (as I suspect it should be, just making sure)? 
Spendor SP1 and SP1/2 owners...
Good choice, how much did you pay for them? Height is easy to answer, the tweeter should be at ear-level. Also, I think (others please correct me if needed), besides being raised Spendors also need air below them. Other than that, the more rigid t... 
Anyone heard the new Music Hall RDR-1 table radio?
Cute. Question still remains, how does the speaker sound (Tivoli's strength)? Also, is there a model with CD? 
Best speakers 2,500 can buy.
Elsneb: It has been a few months now, did you ever get the chance to compare GMA Callisto and Zu Druid? 
Whaat does Consumer Reports say?
Audiotomb: "would anyone in high end audio actually trust CR?"Probably not, but nor would I trust any high end audio publication. Besides, this is not a "high end audio" purchase for me anyway.While I do not "trust" any publication, I consult many... 
Are these damned brands or not good speakers?
Rar1: Good points, we all remember the (possibly justified) hype around and then implosion of companies like Audio Alchemy, but what in your opinion qualifies a company to be called a "boutique"? 
Compare: Salk Sound, Silverline, Tyler, Zu
Kck: Although Ushers were not on my list, it is always good to hear form someone who can make any direct comparison. Also reassuring to hear your comments on Zi cabinets. 
Whaat does Consumer Reports say?
Pabelson: Thanks again, but yes I did see that at the sign up. Minor annoyance, but still a very good option for someone with one-time or temporary need. 
Whaat does Consumer Reports say?
Teonyc, Pabelson: Thanks. Actually I already renewed my (print) subscription, just missing the March issue. So I was reluctant to pay for another yearly subscription. However, I wasn't aware of the possibility of subscribing for one month, that do... 
Seas' Thors kit up N runnin
I see this thread has been lying low, but how could it be that nobody could answer Bartokfan's challenge: A speaker as good or better than Seas/Thor, no more than 70 lb, no more than $2000?Of course, it is unfair to compare a DIY design where you ... 
Compare: Salk Sound, Silverline, Tyler, Zu
Ait: Many thanks for your comparative review of Druids and HT-3. Greatly appreciated - even if our musical tastes differ. :) 
Boring but still needed: which VHS VCR?
Ckorody: We already have a dvd player. We use vcr for two reasons. To watch legacy tapes we own (maybe these should be converted to dvd as you say), and to tape certain tv programs. If the latter can be done conveniently and inexpensively with a d...