
Responses from aj523

SoundSmith cartridges how good?
@hshifiFor every negative experience there can and usually are dozens of good ones you never hear about.  I bought a new turntable that had a predetermined preinstalled Soundsmith Paua mkII cart by the dealer and within the first few days I bent t... 
SoundSmith cartridges how good?
@tablejockey To be honest the only cart I ever owned before were from the Rega line including the Apheta and their top of the line Aphelion2.  Really no comparison.  
SoundSmith cartridges how good?
The Paua mkII is a wonderful cart and it’s what gave me the upgrade bug to the Hyperion. Peter is 3 weeks into building it right now and I’m going to his place to pick it up - and then I will be selling my PAUA on Usam  if anyone is interested pm ... 
SoundSmith cartridges how good?
I own the SS Paua mkii  - it came with my linear tracking Turntable. I love the combo so much that I ordered the latest SS Hyperion cart for linear tracking tables.  It doesn’t hurt that Soundsmith is under an hour drive from my house.  For that m... 
What frustrates you the most about seller’s for sale ads?
Im sure most of us are guilty of many of these practices.  Marketing and salesmanship are just that whether at the retail level or secondary market.  
Which to upgrade first: Turntable or Phono Preamp
The Lamm 2.1 deluxe phnostage is considered by many to be the very very best so start there (used) and then get your turntable.  
What frustrates you the most about seller’s for sale ads?
@jaytor I think they do that cause the final sales price is usually not asking price so it covers them and takes that expense completely out of the equation.  
What frustrates you the most about seller’s for sale ads?
Dealer ads have taken over Audiogon.  Most ordinary citizens sell on US Audiomart.   
The Lifespan of an LP?
I just purchased an LP from 1959 Porgy and Bess ( Lena Horne and Harry Belafonte) as it was recommended to me by my good friend Steve Guttenberg and it’s phenomenal. 62 year old used vinyl in stereophonic sound and it sounds like these two two bri... 
Townshend Audio Podiums: The Full Review
I own the podiums. Put them under my Harbeth 40.2 which sit on top of Tontrager stands. So the strands are on top of the podiums. I believe the favorable impact which in my case is not subtle is dependent on the environment they placed in - your r... 
Cartridge suggestions for...
How do others think about Soundsmith?  The Paua mkII or even their Hyperion.  
Salk Sound vs Legacy Audio
I demoed the 9.5 at someone’s house and wasn’t impressed TBH. Played like a box.  But gorgeous construction.   
My list of tweaks and the verdict
@lowtubes. Well that’s all fine and good. I do have audiophile high end EQ’ed hearing aids (that’s a whole other thread on here) and  I think my tubes were pretty good to begin with which may be why.  And the other issue is that there was a lot of... 
My list of tweaks and the verdict
@spatialking ha 
Looking for a new phono preamp
If your parameters for a phono preamp are solid state and budget $2500, then I can’t say enough great accolades about Logan “Ron” Sutherland and his designs which at that price point would be the 20/20 with the upgraded separate LPS.  No bs, no fa...