
Responses from adg101

Upgrading my blusound streamer
@preslisa64 I’ve not used the Amazon basic cable so I can’t comment on it. I use a Nordost Silver Shadow and find it gets the job done quite well. Is your Toslink the Amazon as well? Hopefully you have a local shop that has a nice S/Pdif you can t... 
Upgrading my blusound streamer
Curious why you went Toslink over Coax and what Toslink are you using? I know with my Vault 2, aftermarket Coax and PC made a significant difference over the cables that came with along with a Supra Ethernet cable. I’m sure the DAC in your C47 is ... 
Please help me eliminate the hum my digital rig creates
First plug your digital equipment into another wall receptacle and separate digital components from your amp. Secondly are your PC’s shielded on your digital equipment? Even with the C7 plug on your Vault you should use a shielded cable. Not sure ... 
CD Player, the same old question/sorry
I’d use the Oppo you already have and spend the most you can on a DAC like maybe something like this - used. you don’t want to use the Oppo then add a Cambridge Audio C... 
Need suggestions for a $1500 used system for my daughter.......
Bluesound Powernode 2i with Magnepan LRS. For a warmer speaker Monitor Audio Bronze 5 which will take you right to your budget and the Powernode will have no problem driving them... the Maggie’s will work but may not come to their full potential w... 
Any recommendations for aftermarket C-7 power cord for Bluesound Node 2i
Built my own and very happy with it. Purchased all parts from VH Audio. Twisted Pair (12 AWG X 2) $10.99 per foot. 
Clear Day Cables Double Shotgun vs. Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval
I have not heard the Analysis but I once was a Clear Day user from Double Shotgun to all single and balanced IC’s. Paul was a great guy and made wonderful cables that definitely embarrassed many more expensive offerings by many and I tried several... 
Speaker cable recommendation
What other speaker cables have you tried and what is the rest of you cables as far as IC and PC’s? I like WyWires. There’s some WyWires Platinums here in your budget you might want to read up on. I use a mix of WyWires and Nordost in my system so ... 
Meridian 800 DVD/CD Version 4
I have never listened to a Meridian 800 series CDP, but that being said I wouldn’t look light at that player as it may be older, it was state of the art in its time and I bet it still outperforms much today. The concern about the transport is vali... 
Looking At CD Players
I own both an Oppo 205 (stock) and a Cambridge 851C and the Cambridge is hands down better to my ears. On both players I use the same balanced WyWires Silver IC’s and Nordost Vishnu PC’s. The Cambridge does have two Synergistic Black fuses so mayb... 
Are Pass Labs amps good at low volume levels?
Should be fine. My X250 sounds very good at low volume. It’s all about the synergy of the equipment, clean power, equipment/rack isolation and room treatment more than just the amp I feel. If you achieve a system that is revealing it will sound ve... 
Drum throne suggestions
Very happy with my DW 9000 series with backrest. Very comfortable and well built, but heavy and takes a decent footprint so space can get tight. 
Audio Research D200 & Audio Research Classic 60
Familiar with both and owned a 100.2 which I sold a few years back and should have kept. If you offered me any of the three I’d take the 100.2 and I bet between the three will cost you less as well. Between the two though... I’d probably take the ... 
Reasonably priced 15 foot USB cable for laptop to DAC?
+2 on the Supra. 
how hook up bluesound node 2 to external dac
Might depend on your DAC. I use coax. If you have an Ayre Codex for example then USB as it doesn’t have S/PDIF. Toslink should be your last option in my opinion. Always best just to try each and judge for yourself.