
Responses from adg101

Upgrading Tube Preamp from Audio Research LS-7 - Recommendations for better soundstage?
Had a LS7 when it first came out and didn’t keep it long as I preferred my next pre, a Sonic Frontiers SFL1 over it with Mullard tube. I felt the SF was a more musical preamp but that’s just my opinion. Later I picked up a ModWright SWL 9.0 SE and... 
EAD 7000 Mark III
You probably would have taking it home to compare. I haven’t heard an EAD 7000 in years but local dealer sold EAD and I worked there part time a bit so knew the gear well but it’s been years. I do remember comparing EAD up against Levinson, Wadia,... 
Need recommendations on stand mount speakers
Older ARC and ProAc all day long... maybe the Response 2. You’ll need some nice stands to do them justice though. 
Which balanced IC between pre amp and power amp?
I think you’ll be surprised how a set of Canare Star Quad XLR cables sound and they’re cheap. B&H Photo has 3ft pair for around $40. They’re sold as singles so make sure to order as a pair. Be surprised if you purchase them you won’t agree the... 
Speaker cable recommendation
I think with your speakers you will be very happy with the Kimber 4TC and not sure you’d benefit any with the 8TC as the 4TC is going to deliver everything to the lower frequencies you’re speakers are capable of. Just buy a single run, meaning not... 
Looking for the Best Digital Power Cord
Also reach out to Chris at VH Audio and either have him build you one or buy the parts and build your own. 
Upgrade Speaker Cables or Interconnects
Keep your cables and try a set of Daedalus DiD’s under your Hegel and be prepared to have your mind blown. What do you feel your current cables aren’t offering you? Are your IC’s balanced or single ended? Your Golden Ears are non biwire I believe ... 
Vintage speaker suggestions for Nakamichi stasis system
As mentioned above; what are your current speakers, music taste and room size just to start? Era of your Nak’s. The Vandersteen 3 would fit in and just a tad outside your budget or look for a set of 2’s if you’re want to spend less. If you have a ... 
Sound Anchors Floor Bases
Very happy with my SA Bases on my Aerial 7B’s which for those speakers are a must as they’re narrow, tall and heavy. Very well built, heavy and the ones on my speakers protect all four sides off the floor from the vacuum and etc. One would have to... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Look into WyWires. All copper... no silver or silver plated. I used to be a big fan of silver cables but as my humble system has become more refined I’ve gone back to copper. WyWires have great balance and don’t draw attention to anything; they ju... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
True you need to audition first but it doesn’t hurt to get an opinion from actual users unless you live in a large city with great dealers willing to let you drag home a ton of cables and what chance they have many on the floor in your price range... 
What’s the most badass $2k amp I can get?
Forget the meters and find a used Parasound 21 or 21+. 
How long do high quality speakers "last"
44 year old pair of EPI 70’s still running strong; all original including the surrounds. Pretty sure the Pioneer receiver they run on is just as old and with original lamps and no LED crap lights either... still original caps too. Original owner. ... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
Wywires Silver or Platinum single run with same jumpers w/alternate +/- configuration on the speakers. All Wywires series are copper... no silver. Not a big fan of silver conductors on Aerials but you may feel differently.  
Replace LAT Coax cable between Bluesound and Oppo DAC
Nordost Silver Shadow. If you’re using the stock power cord I’d suggest switching that out as well on your Node. Both make a significant improvement. Oh, and your 205 deserves a better PC as well; I use a Nordost Vishnu on mine.https://www.musicdi...