Responses from adasdad
UPGRADE PATH FROM CHORD QUTEST @kjl1065, I had a Qutest before I upgraded to a Chord TT2/m scaler combo. The Qutest is a great little DAC that I wish I still owned because it’s such a neat little piece of audio kit. Have you tried using an aftermarket power supply for your Qute... | |
Solo streamer @rvpiano, I see that the Aurender N200 is Roon Ready. I also listen to predominantly classical music with a focus on opera and I’ve found that for me Roon has the best OS out there right now. Maybe think about giving it a try. | |
Solo streamer @rvpiano, I hope your new Aurender N200 arrives soon in one piece so that you can tell us what you think of it. I became aware of the Aurender line through the folks at Upscale Audio out in California. They had nothing but praise for the N200 when... | |
Upgrade Digital Cable Review +1 @audioman58. Rob and Rich at Network Acoustics have been my go to when I needed guidance in setting up my dedicated music streaming platform. They’ve been unbelievably kind and helpful. | |
Upgrade Digital Cable Review I use a single WAVE High Fidelity Storm BNC cable between my music server and my Chord Hugo M Scaler because it helps to dissipate even more RFI/EMI from making its way into my Chord TT2 DAC which is the heart of my music listening setup. From my ... | |
New DAC issues @zlone, the first couple of things that jumped out at me when I looked up the Merason Reuss DAC was that it uses an Amanero based USB technology with two Burr Brown 1794A converter modules. I purposely bypass using the Amanero USB input on my Chor... | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords When looking for advice about the necessity of having clean power running into my system I navigate towards those who have the knowledge and design expertise to explain the concept cogently. | |
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k @axeis1, good choice on keeping the TT2 with the m scaler. IMO they go together like peas and carrots. Holy cow Batman! I thought I’d spent a lot on BNC cables. 😃 I’ve never demoed any Shunyata interconnects, but they are highly recommended by tho... | |
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k @axeis1, I’ve owned a Chord TT2 and M Scaler combo for about four years now and I almost never think about upgrading my DAC unless I’m reading a post like yours. The sound of the Chord Dave is sublime and IMO it would be the logical choice if you ... | |
Ethernet Cables - what are you using and why? I use an eno Streaming Cable from Network Acoustics between their eno Ethernet filter and my Roon Nucleus Rev B music server. | |
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie @tlh28, you’re getting a lot of good recommendations here. If I were starting to put a streaming setup together from scratch I’d use a laptop as a music source initially because of the variety of inputs available, and you can also use that platfor... | |
15k for streamer and much on each? @audiocanada, and which kind of “THAT guy” are you assuming that I am sir? In my system the ratio between what I spent on my DAC and upsampler with interconnects and power supplies compared to what I spent on my music streamer/server is approximat... | |
15k for streamer and much on each? @audiocanada, do you have a trusted audio gear dealer somewhat near where you live? Because if you do that’s where I’d start my search instead of throwing out open ended queries here on Audiogon while dangling $15K as a teaser. As the old saying g... | |
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good. The most satisfying and lifelike DAC that I’ve heard is the Chord Dave with a Chord Hugo M Scaler using Nick Bacon’s WAVE High Fidelity Storm BNC cables as interconnects. At present I have a Chord TT2 DAC and M Scaler which I’m very happy with. Ha... | |
Suggested Power Cable for Streamer @bluethinker, the best thing that I did for my music streamer was to power it using an Sbooster linear power supply, and then plugging the Sbooster into my AudioQuest Niagara power conditioner using a not too expensive AQ Blizzard power cord. |