
Responses from acuujim

Lamm electronics and Sound Lab
I agree with the above post. I own the Lamm's and they are so darn good. You will lose alot of that wonderful fleshy bass and mid bass from the Lamms with those elecrostatics. I tried a pair of A-1's with my Lamms and I was very disappointed. The ... 
Best Holiday CDs?
Rejoice is a wonderful CD Beautiful String quartet and a fabulous recording 
Talon Khorus Speakers
I have been asked what speakers made my top five list as I was exploring. 1- The Pipedreams. They gave me goose bumps with the presentation but they were too big for my room and had all sorts of problems with amplification due to the fact that the... 
Talon Khorus Speakers
Avguygeorge- I have heard both I own the Talon's. The decision between the two was not even close. Actually the 5's did not make it into the top five when I checked out the latest from some very high end speaker makers. I know how subjective this ... 
Talon Khorus Speakers
Ditto what Glreno said. They are amazing speakers. I have ordered the ROC even though I am skeptical as to how the can improve on the presentation. I have passed the 500 hour breakin threshold and these babies just sing. 
Best upgrade for the money ?
Put a PS Audio 300 in front of that CD player Used around $700 
JM LAB any good?
Don't leave out the Merlin TSM SE's. Fabulous detail and musicality 
Best Hybrid Amps. Tube Solid state amp
Of this question there is absolutely no question Lamm 1.1 or 2.1 
Which Wadia a better buy in value terms?
Actually a Resolution Audio CD 55 is a better value than either of those choices 
INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!
Kimber Select 1130 does it all. Very expensive but it does it all. I replaced my Pro Silway MkII with the Kimber and I was stunned by what I was not hearing with the HT's. If your budget will allow it you will not be sorry 
Adcom Preamp & Bel Canto Evo Amplifier
Mondial's Black Box does the job of removing the hum quite nicely 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
Kimber Select 3038 
Top Ten Interconnects of all time...
Kimber Select 1130 balanced 
Balanced or single ended with Res.CD-55?
Balanced Kimber Select KS 1130 
Resolution Audio CD-55..Past Threads...
Man Carl, you sure let this puny liitle audio site get under your skin Enjoy the music Hope all else is well