
Responses from acresverde

Bybee Speaker Bullets?
The landscape has just changed, apparently. I believe Tweek Geek is now selling the same product in an undressed up presentation in the form of a u-installit kit that is placed beween the speaker terminals and XO of the speaker, one each for posit... 
Garland Jeffreys / "The King of In Between"
Love his redux of "96 Tears" 
What`s your fave Audiophile Chill Out recording?
Bella Sonus "Enamoured". As a bonus, it's the finest quality red book cd I have ever heard....and a woofer stretcher to boot. Good luck finding it for realistic money, though. 
Danny Boy - Recommendations
I'm not a "Danny Boy" afficionado but I do know that Lloyd Walker has demonstrated his table since the inception of Walker Audio using this music. I bet if you contacted him on his website that he would have some knowledge of good/better/best qual... 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
Ok, just for the record, I googled the old boy and it's actually Van Vliet according to the google gods.As for the experimental designation, I guess that's cool. All I know is that my "experiment" started and ended with "Trout Mask Replica". 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
May I humbly submit Captain Beefhart, with all due respect to the recently departed Don Van Vleet.As far as insipid lyrics go, I gotta put "...yummy yummy yummy I've got love in my tummy..." right up there. Thank god for AM transistor radios for s... 
What you drink while listening sessions?
champagne and vieux calvados 
Song covers that are better than the originals
Forgot to mention Perfect Circle's redux of "Imagine" 
Song covers that are better than the originals
Dance Society"s cover of the Stones "1000 Light Years From Home"The Cure's cover of "Purple Haze" on the Hendrix tribute album "Stonefree" 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
the one meter IC between DAC and pre cost more than my car. MY cartridge cost more than my car. Why? Who can afford a nice car when he's hooked on high end audio? I'm not an heiress, after all. 
My Final Choices For New Amp - Need Your Help
Get the M60s and open the windows, heat be damned. I've had'em for 10 full years and this heat thing is overstated in my lengthy experience. Well within your stated budget used and a wonderful company to deal with and always available. These comme... 
WTF...bought it on Amazon new for a buck fifty six plus shipping. How wrong can I go? 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Koegz,Traded in my 10 year old Insider Ref wood body about 4 months ago on a Goldfinger V2 and slapped it on the Walker. I was really concerned about the huge increase in horizontal mass this introduced into the equation because I also had to add ... 
No reforming of Led Zep apparently
Thank God. Seminal in their heyday, they really have nothing left to say and no compelling reason to say it, now, 25 years removed. If only Jagger and a some of the other geezer rockers would follow Zep's lead 
Best nos 6sn7g for my Atmasphere mp1.
Hey guys, it's me again. Since this topic has resurfaced I thought I would sheepishly pop in and apologize for apparent rumor mongering concerning Andy at VTS. However, in defense of self, I must disclose that the info I passed on here came straig...