
Responses from acman3

Jazz for aficionados
o-10, what were your 14,15 losers? 
Jazz for aficionados  
Jazz for aficionados
Don"t forget the Big Band O-10, look up Widows Taste website, interesting reviews of "Straight Life". Also some recently released recordings of Pepper's. 
Jazz for aficionados
The new format continues to mess with me. I took "problem was the" out and it somehow still posted???? 
Jazz for aficionados
Art Pepper in his autobiography, Straight life, admitted to armed robbery although I am unsure if he ever went to prison for it. Problem was the  
Jazz for aficionados  
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers
Arafiq, I had that happen to me at a Hi-Fi store once; were you there? 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, Please put your heart medicine beside the computer BEFORE clicking on this link.I don't know where they came up with the title "Epic" :).  On most everybody's top 10 list for 2015. It gets better the more you can absorb, as there is a lot goi... 
Jazz for aficionados
I think any order for Rok's list would be ok with me, but would add Armstrong's original version was 30 years before Preservation's version so who is copying who?The video hid itself above, by itself. Very fitting though.Enjoyed this one,http://ww... 
Jazz for aficionados
32What no Big Mama Thornton? 
Speaker help under $2,500
Eddy, just because someone else loves a speaker doesn't mean you will. The Sonus Fabre may be the best for you in your system. Ctsooner would be the first to agree. Listen to the speakers you have and learn their strengths and weakness before thin... 
Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
Merry Christmas to all! 
Jazz for aficionados
Forgot, Merry Christmas to you all! 
Jazz for aficionados
Listening to some Metheny tonight , and was wondering, why is "First Song (for Ruth)" not a standard? Does it deserve to be? Does this change your mind?  
Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer
Btw, Chris, Your quote from Paul Walker made me LOL!