

Responses from abruce

Tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 2SE
I only replace two tubes in my SF Line 3SE Amperex 7308 from Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio 
GMA Europa discontinued?
Sorry you guys took what I said about Roy in a negative way, that was not my intention. I too have talked to Roy on the phone and I've heard his speakers 
GMA Europa discontinued?
Why does it speak volumes of the company, it sounds like he knows his target audience and how to create hype a great marketing person. 
Von Schweikert VR-4,Jr.
Thanks for everyones help, I drove five hours to hear these, then I find out there's another dealer in town. Von S only told me about Decibel Audio, darn another road trip to the windy city 
Von Schweikert VR-4,Jr.
I heard these speakers in Chicago(Decibel Audio) this past weekend, I was expecting this great speaker, what I heard was bloated bass that seemed to mess up the rest of the musicical spectrum. I was not drawn into the music as much as I would have... 
Listening Room
OOpsHere it isC:\Documents and Settings\A. Bruce Crum\My Documents\My Pictures\1106oldbedC:\Documents and Settings\A. Bruce Crum\My Documents\My Pictures\1106bed 
Listening Room
Here is a picture of the roomhttp://iow.mlxchange.com/Thanks 
The Theta Pro Gen VIIIs are now shipping has
Guess nobody's heard it Thanks anywayBruce 
Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...
Take the P300 out and listen again, this is killing an otherwise great system. Try it it won't cost you a dime 
Does It Make Sense to Purchase Dunlavy Speakers
Why don't you ask AVL what they think, great place to do business. 
Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business
Ohlala The difference here is Hales are great spekers... 
What SS amp do you use with your SF Line 3?
I have a Levinson with my SF Line 3 with NOS tubes, it sounds great 
Wolcott 220 compatible with ribbon speakers?
John 1Could you tell us what other amps you tried? 
Which cone's or platforms have helped?
Last night I put the Mapleshade Heavy footers under my transport that is sitting on a seismic sink, my 16 yo audiophile dughter and I couldn't believe the difference this made. The bass was much tighter and everything was more in focus, the pace o... 
Tube Rolling in a SF Line 3
Agree with Peterb, just those two tubes made a big sonic improvement.