

Responses from abruce

Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Mapleshade offers upgrades to the speakers as well as the stands, has anybody heard those upgrades or mods? 
How much does your system retail for?
40,000.00 in equipment Thank God for Agon 
Warmer CD sound sought - MCD 301 or 500 or REF CD7
Why do some people say AR stuff is analytical while others say it is warm with lots of air? 
Are there any Harbeth owners in Wisconsin or near
Great little dealer in the Detroit area....a short drive from Chi 
Luxman DU-50
It's a 5+ hour drive to hear this, so I was hoping someone would have some inputThanks Anyway 
Would you pay to audition speakers
I bet he's got people standing in line for a deal like this lol 
distance between speakers
Look at the thread entitled Help What's Wrong With My System........some great ideas in there 
Help What's Wrong with my System
I've tried sitting near field, it does help, the wiring is all new this is in a walkout basement, nothing sharing the circuit the system is onThanks Again 
Help What's Wrong with my System
LOL I don't have a wife, this is a new house, I've got the speakers about 5 foot from the front wall, 3 from the side, I think things sound better on the short wall(not were I planned on putting them when I finished the room), I think things sound... 
Ensemble Megaflux v Cardas Golden Reference
Sorry I was wondering about the Dynaflux vs Cardas Golden Reference 
How Important is Getting Your Rack Out
Thanks RleffThe Mogami's might be worth a try I'm looking at 4-5 meters and my current Ensemble cables in that lenght are out of reach right now.Thanks All 
Rives Audio Consulting - Advice?
$2700.00 Doesn't sound like much of a deal to me 
What's better than FIM power cords
Thanks for all the answers, after I get my room figured out I'll try some of these cords 
Chicago Area Magnepan MG20.1 Demo Request
Audio Consultants had them a few weeks ago 
Quad 2905 versus Quad 2805 plus subwoofer
I talked to a dealer Friday who claims the 2805 is a better speaker than the 2905 in any roomCan anyone confirm this?