
Responses from abex

What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
Trelja:I tried Cardas Silver SLVRs which sounded horrid. Most RCAs I believe are just Silver plated so you are not getting pure silver anyways. I am going to try Homegrowns. I am looking for cost effective RCAs to work with at first in order to se... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
DEKAY:C37 was discussed a few threads back. The main reason for using lacquers is to bypass the use of Teflon which I think is a disadvantage as a Dielectric. Air being the best,but if you are going to have 2 wires side by side you do not want the... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
Geez-I use to work in Rocket Technology which uses tons of Carbon Wire which is conductive.The purpose was not to conduct electricity though. I should have saved some. Dirty stuff though.Graphite is the substance which is the same as what you are ... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
BWhite:It looks good,but it's very expensive.I might definitely use it for my personal cables like IC's,but it might be to cocstly for a 10ft speaker run.I have not read the reviews yet. I will tomarrow. The reason I want to use a lacquer is that ... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
Dekay:I will look into the the Spray Contact cleaner. Another one is Craigs I think it's called.I am trying to get as Close to an Sir Dielectric as possible. One of the things I did not like about the Dayton RCAs are they have very little area to ... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
JohnK:I am doing this for several reasons. First is to see what might work best in my system and secondly to come up with cost effective solutions in order not to pay the extravagant prices commercial wires cost.I have plenty of expensive wires I ... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
Trelja:I was thinking of putting Heatshrink at the ends before running lacquer over them so I would not hav to introduce any need for the use of a thinner. The cable I tried the other night I just used a run of TexFlex Teflon tubing material and l... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
I do not think I want to use anything as abrasive as steel wool. I am just looking to take what ever tarnish and dirt accumulation away. Isopropyl Alcohol and maybe a special liquid cleaning solution for the particular type of metal should be appr... 
What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes
I have not tried Laquer or any other substance as yet. I shall use a plastic tubing to protect and seal the ends.I have some Insulated Copper on the way and have been experimenting with SIlver which I am impreseed with thus far.I am also trying di... 
Silver interconnects & copper speaker cable O.K. ?
In the Bi-Wiring scenerio using Silver on top and Copper for the bottom end seems to work fine in my system.I am finding that Connector matching is crucial also. I tried Cardas Silver which behaved really bad in IC's! Could be a Capcitance issue b... 
Best RCA female output connector.....a CD player ?
I have Eichmanns and there is something that is something that I cannot describe or put words to that is not completely right about them.Although I am satisfied with their performance.I still think they are exoensive for the amount of meterial tha... 
Which cables go with what?????
Dekay,was just kidding myself!nt 
Which cables go with what?????
"his wife is easily a gazillion times more attractive (than Steve)."I should hope so unless your into the same sex thing!So are you implying it might be a subliminal promotional thread? Kinda of funny if that is the case! 
Silver interconnects & copper speaker cable O.K. ?
Was thinking that it might be beneficial to use Silver on the topend and Copper tfor the bottom in Bi-Wiring combo.Any thoughts? 
Which cables go with what?????
"Oh, and if Audioengr is really starting these threads for the benefit of us mere music lovers, perhaps he could nominate a few manufacturers whose cables perform at the same exalted level as his own?" I do not see he is promoting his wares. I do ...