
Responses from aball

Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
The "counter voltage" is actually a traveling wave and doesn’t only go counter to the signal. When a signal passes through the cable, waves are induced by the electromagnetic image of the wire and are dependant on the reference ground - which is g... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Wow...questions, questions ;)Ok, I will simplify things to keep it under control so bear in mind that it is more complex than I am making it sound.I am doing some work right now involving modeling of cables and their impact with various loads (mos... 
McIntosh ss preamp vs. ARC tube preamp
In that case, get a Mc pre with a loudness control (knob or switch). Many of them have it and it will compensate for the Fletcher Munson curves at low volumes. I REALLY miss that feature on my current preamp. No preamp can adequately compensate wi... 
Distortion with Jolida JD100
I haven't had that problem with mine and I like to really crank the volume often (I have no neighbors in sight). I think you and Oddmorning are having overdrive problems as Distrotion suggested. Tube players output a lot voltage. I compared it to ... 
Give me a tube preamp that looks and sound great
Hack: How do the 3i and 30 compare? Arthur 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Materials absolutely do alter frequencies and speed. It is a very complex process. I haven't heard of anyone using pure carbon though. Did you mean all 3 together? Copper and silver are used all the time. 
conrad johnson v. aragon amp
Kniem: Your definition of "warm" is the same as mine. 
Which high-end receiver?
Actually the McIntosh is only analog for 2-channel stereo. It has full decoding capability for multichannel, of course.Here is what their website says:This MHT200 is a complete DTS/Dolby Digital/Dolby ProLogic 2 A/V package. With eight, 140 Watt B... 
McIntosh MC402
Well, I meant in the future. They won't make the MA6900 forever and I bet they want to get optical lighting in all models eventually. 
Which high-end receiver?
I second the McIntosh MHT-200. It knocked me out when I heard it with the new B&W N802 speakers. I didn't think a receiver could sound that dynamic and powerful. Arthur 
Power amp power draw questions
Yes, the current rating is output current - not input current (which is limited to 15A actually). The wall outlet limitation is power and is around 1800W. 
conrad johnson v. aragon amp
I owned a PV10 and it wasn't all that warm - less than some other offerings from CJ like the PV12 anyway. I would get a PV12 in your case. Also, the MF2100 amp will be more relaxed sounding but won't lack detail compared to the 4004 (although I he... 
Economy amps from Channel, Nixon, etc?
I worry about very small companies. There are threads here about problems with companies closing at a moments notice with no future support. I would get an Adcom GFA 545 mkII if I were you. Good luck! 
cdp digital volume control or preamp?
In my experience, a preamp has always improved the sound - especially dynamics and 3D soundstaging. Give it a try and see! Arthur 
Best intergrated amp for under $2000
I like the McIntosh MA6500.