Responses from aball
Room size You will have no bass in a room that size with a Totem monitor, unless you go with the power-gobbling Mani 2 (which is really a doubled-up floorstander). I think you are going to have to have a sub if you want real bass, soundstaging, emotional im... | |
The Best Amp for the Price of Dirt Adcom 545 mk2. Hands down the value winner for me.Arthur | |
Inexpensive high efficiency bookshelf speakers Simon - check out Omega Loudspeakers. They fit all your desires.Arthur | |
Why are most High End Amps class A Plinius considers all-NPN to be a good way to go for their high-end models, even today. I personally find it a bit clumsy, and that alone might be worse off than slightly different transistor characteristics. Nature seems to value simplicity more ... | |
Tubes or S.S. for Thiel CS 2.4? MC352 would be my choice hands down. I heard one on a pair of 2.3s and it was fantastic. Mc and Thiel have some sort of special synergy that is hard to come by otherwise.Arthur | |
Inexpensive high efficiency bookshelf speakers Check out the Omega loudspeaker line up. Also the Coincident Triumphs. Then there's the older French Cabasse that come up for sale now and then.The Sequerra are not all that efficient but in a similar vein, the Triangle loudspeakers are also poten... | |
McIntosh MC7200 - fuse question The fancy fuses are definitely worth the money as long as your speakers are good enough to reveal the difference. I use Isocleans myself.Arthur | |
Power line frequency and possible equipment damage Ah - clever.Arthur | |
Power line frequency and possible equipment damage Transformers don't really care whether they are getting 60 or 80 or 100 Hz. Now if you were talking 100,000 Hz, that is a different story, but 10s of Hz doesn't matter. The electronics downstream don't care either because they only see DC voltage ... | |
conrad johnson LP 275's or 140's I listened to the new 140s on Wilson Alexandrias and was surprised at how warm they sounded. Actually a bit too warm for my tastes, but perhaps that was due to something else in the system. I've also heard the Premier 140 in a totally different sy... | |
How hot is too hot? When I rebuilt my MC240, the power transformer temperature went up a good bit. When I put my hand on it before, it was very warm but I could leave it on there all day. Now, it gets too hot to leave my hand on it for more than 30 seconds. but my bi... | |
SS Power Amp upgrade Your two "wish" speakers are quite different and will be best with different amps. I know both well - the 4Jr has powerful, rich bass, a fleshed out midrange, and a subtle yet subdued top end. The 803 has tight fast bass (the 803S is another story... | |
How to test an unmarked capacitor? Nearly all Flukes will measure capacitance with surprisingly good accuracy (especially the new 1xx series). You can measure the value in the circuit in only limited circumstances - but to avoid a lot of EE blather, the short answer is you need to ... | |
Life of the used tubes Yes you can, sort of. I have an overhauled TV12 tester and have been experimenting with how tubes behave as they wear. I measure new ones and then periodically check them as they are being used in various gear and data log everything for each indi... | |
capacitor upgrade A WIMA MKP is a way better choice than any polarized cap.Arthur |