
Responses from aball

Triangle Antal Es and Thiel 2.4's
Triangles are not for everyone. They are too accurate for some and too forward for others. I personally like their sound a lot and am considering getting one of their big models from the Stratos line. I have a pair of Comete ES now and they have p... 
Anyone heard these? How do they sound?
Speakers don't have a sound unless they are connected to a stereo. And then, if they are any good, the stereo will be a big factor in how they sound. Not to mention that the listener's brain plays just as big a role. So, there is no good answer to... 
How Much Hiss Is Normal?
Nothing is perfect, not even amplifiers. As long as you don't hear the hiss from your listening position, forget about it and enjoy the music. 
Is it Audio, or is it Art?
I am shocked at how many people here miss the point! I was hoping it would be otherwise but I guess not. 
Best Mcintosh solid-state amp 200-300 watts?
I too feel the 7200 is fantastic. After trying out the 202 a while back, I kept the 7200 although I would like to try it again now that I have different speakers. The 402 is the best amp I have ever heard but the 7200 KILLS it (along with most of ... 
Music volume? What about your sound level?
around 85-90 dB for me. 
Spikes versus Rubber on wood floor?
The reason there isn't much scientific research about this kind of thing is because our measurement equipment isn't as good as our ears. Maybe in the future we will have test gear that will be able to measure more subtle effects that right now are... 
8 ohms amp drives 4 ohms speakers
I assume your amp is tube. Output transformer saturation can be a problem which will reduce your effective bandwidth, due to the high current demands a lower impedance will require. At lower volume levels, it should be fine.But what exactly do you... 
Is anyone willing to entertain the idea
Define "real" please.Arthur 
Opinions on the Mac MA 2275?
There hardly are any real 8 ohm speakers in the world - and especially not any B&Ws. If you take a look at speaker impedance plots, the magnitude is often all over the map. The only speakers I have seen with a rather flat impedance are transmi... 
Is it Audio, or is it Art?
Musical reproduction is an art form so why not the gear too? Isn't that the very reason we pay so much money for this stuff? Isn't the difference between Yamaha and Burmester essentially art? I think it is clear that we appreciate our music as vis... 
Please Help
I am afraid that this website will only add to your confusion. lol! My advice is for you to experiement. You already know that you will get all kinds of answers so why belabor the point? Find something that is a good deal and try it out. If you do... 
Tube amp recommendation for $1000
Sounds like a tube amp is not for you - many of them make transformer noise, especially $1000 ones. I have an MV55 but it too makes a little noise.The only amp I can think of that fits ALL your criteria is a McIntosh MC7100 which is a SS amp. Dead... 
Newer AV pre-pro's with built in Parametric EQ's
Eliminating resonances in the lower frequencies means flattening the response curve in the lower frequencies. Usually the highs are not as big a problem anyway (>250Hz). 
Mcintosh Bulbs?
I solder every day. Let me know if you need help or questions about equipment. If you like to tinker - you can buy a nice soldering iron for half the price a tech would charge you to do a shoddy job. :)Arthur