
Responses from aball

room design help
Using the "golden ratio" for room dimensions seems quite popular and I feel it has merit. It is 1 : 1.618. Also, I want to add that IMO it shouldn't be a very large room. A large room looks nice and impresses friends but it eats up a ton of power ... 
Building a System around old McIntosh Components
The rebuild requirements are the same except that you won't be changing the tubes. The electrolytic caps lose their capacitance under dynamic loads (i.e. music) and the failure of the main power supply "can" caps will wipe out the power transforme... 
Review: van den Hul The Orchid Interconnect
Goes to show you have to try it in your system to really know what it sounds like! The Mainsserver was the clear winner with my Audio Aero Prima Mk2. 
Building a System around old McIntosh Components
That amp will need a rebuild. I just did my 240 and am about to do another 240 and an MX110. There is no point in investing much without replacing at least the caps and rectifiers in that 2100. If you are handy with a soldering iron, it is a very ... 
Levinson turn-on thump... normal??
There is DC on the output. Something is definately wrong in the amp. 
Small Floor Standers
I would highly recommend the JM Lab Chorus line. Beautiful speakers with fantastic imaging and high-end detail that belies their modest cost. 
Review: van den Hul The Orchid Interconnect
Dale sent me the Atlas All Cu Navigators and Orchids too. Compared to my The Second XLRs, it was a close call with the Orchid XLRs but in the end, I went for them due to their better resolution. The Atlas was wonderful in my buddy's system but not... 
Favorite CD player around $2k or less used
My Audio Aero Prima Mk.2 never ceases to amaze me. 
Current mode vs voltage mode
Yeah, I agree with Sean. The sound you get with XLRs is probably the closest to Halcro's true sound. 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
The Kora Aries MOSFET hybrids will knock your socks off. They have a clarity that is unmatched by any BJT or tube amps I have ever had in my system. 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
I agree there is some fantastic SS gear out there and you have found some of my favorites. 
How do the Electro Harmonix 6sn7's sound?
EHs in general are a little edgy and can be slightly analytical in the highs. I noticed this consistently when tube rolling my CJ MV55, whether it was the EL34s, 6SN7s or 12AX7s. But they aren't bad tubes at all and in a soft system, they may be j... 
Mac or Plinius?
My vote goes to the MA6500 (I had one in my system). It has an amazing amount of power and great transparency with plenty of detail and dynamics. Easier to move and less costly than the 6900 with very little given up in terms of sound quality IMO.... 
BAT VK-51 SE or McIntosh C200?
If you liked the C2200 best, get the C200. Stereophile's review of the 51SE and C200 said they were about the same in terms of sound quality but the C200 had a better user interface and costs almost $1k less. 
Nova Utopia Be $38K - Are they good?
That is funny because when I heard the WP7, I thought they were dull and lifeless. I guess one man's "dull" is another man's "uncolored!" Makes you wonder why we even have these discussions in the first place.