
Responses from 8th-note

Thiel Owners
Re: CS6 Woofer Rebuild & ReplacementI thought I would document my experience of removing and replacing my CS6 woofer in case there might be any useful tips for other Thiel owners.When I figured out that I had blown my woofer I called Rob and b... 
Thiel Owners
Hello again. My last post was in August when I talked about my newly acquired CS6's and the fact that one of them had a woofer with a dented dust cap. Tom and a couple other members gave some advise about using a vacuum cleaner or tape (Ron G. rec... 
MC I've missed you (a long journey back in time)
" I don't seem to be very adept at trading up."Got a good chuckle from that one. Join the club. I sold a Marantz 2325 receiver in perfect condition with the original cabinet for $100. Now they are worth $1500, albeit refurbished. I have several m... 
WD-40 for electronics
I use two products I picked up at Home Depot that have worked well.  Both products are formulated for electrical use.CRC QD Contact CleanerCRC 2-26 Multi-Purpose Precision LubricantIf you look up "CRC Contact Cleaner" on Amazon you will find a hu... 
Has anyone seen this...?
Thanks for posting the Guttenberg video. I have enjoyed Steve's reviews but looking at his room is very disappointing. I have an innate distrust of anyone I'm dealing with who has a chaotic work space. Throughout my life I've had a number of exper... 
Audioquest buys GoldenEar
It looks like there may be some actual synergy in this acquisition. AQ will gain a high value, well known brand of speakers and GE will gain access to a larger, more well developed distribution network plus additional capital for expansion. The fa... 
Velodyne is...
I have a ULD15 that I got about 20 years ago. It has performed flawlessly ever since and I don't see any need to upgrade. Glad to hear the company will have good long term ownership. 
Refurbished/Rebuilt Reel To Reel Tape Deck
Good points above. I have a Teac X1000R (3.75 and 7.5 ips 4 track) and a modest collection of 70's prerecorded tapes. The 7.5 ips tapes sound very good. The sound has a special quality and playing the tape is fun to do. It is the polar opposite of... 
Beginner Audiophile. How to chose a right amp? Recommendation for my setup?
The key piece of information here is that your speakers are very insensitive and they are very difficult to drive. One of the first questions you must answer is how loud you like to listen and how big and dead is your room. These are bookshelf spe... 
Is it a good idea to buy CD players over 10 years old even it is a reliable brand?
It sort of boils down to pride of ownership. A used Esoteric is a nice piece of gear that looks and feels like a fine instrument. You will appreciate the quality every time you use it. I tend to do the same thing as you're planning - I buy nice hi... 
"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"
I have a pair of Infinity Primus 360 speakers ($568/pair) and they sound amazingly good for the price. I use them in my 2.1 theater setup with a modest priced Mirage subwoofer. Do they sound as good as my $8k Thiel CS6's? Of course not. But they a... 
to fb or not to fb... that is the ?
I belong to several audio groups on Facebook and I have found them to be no worse than this one and a few of them are excellent. There are some very specific groups like "Nakamichi Owners" and "Krell Owners" which have been very helpful to me. I h... 
Which to Upgrade first? My Amplifier or Speakers?
My recommendation is to take part of your upgrade budget and a couple days of PTO and attend AXPONA this winter. This will help you calibrate your expectations by hearing other systems. You will get a chance to hear a wide range of speakers and el... 
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
@arion Thank you for your informed responses. My first thought when I read the original post was that $27k sounded about right. In fact, if the usual manufacturing and retail markups apply, charging 27k for a custom finish means that the manufactu... 
Center placed equipment stands
My speakers are 6' from the front wall which is populated by tall equipment racks and CD storage. If you've got the space to move your speakers out into the room the racks will act as live end diffusers. As I experimented with speaker placement I ...