

Responses from 76doublebass

I am sick of cables
Well let me tell you about my experience. I had bought this 2 way speaker system for my my DIY SET Amp and thought I should pry under the hood and see what cables are being used inside this fast very transparent speaker and to my amazement this sm... 
DIY interconnects ... found MUCH success
Hi I've been experimenting as well and found solid core 18 guage tv cable coax nice for speaker cable and need to try these out as IC's.I do have a question. Did u use solid core cable from the Cardas wire listed in Michaels Catalog or the Kimber ... 
JBL Summit L300 or Klipsch Cornwall for Jadis ?
I use to own for several years the pro speakers one grade up from the Summit 300's, the JBL 4343 Pro 4 way Speaker.It used essentially the same drivers as the Summit 300'sexcept the 4343's had a special mid bass driver in its own enclosure and the... 
I am a musician as well. I have been playing trombone foralmost 40 years with the last 20 of those years bass trombone in The Skagit Symphony. The symphony has grown over the years and have become a semi professional groupwith many of the sectiona... 
Question about 5u4 tubes ?
I'm using a big Ken Rad 5U4G Military type from the early 50's, or it could be the mid 40's. Still works, sounds greatbut may be hard to find. 
Upgrading Frontend in 2009: Which way to go?
I like u am looking to upgrade my front end as well with a volume control cdp. Here is a suggestion not brought up yet by members. You can shoot for a less expensive CDP that may give u great bang for your buck. Check out Decware web site. They ha... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
I was thinking about that as well.This is a bit off topic but I have a different system now and need to update my system profile. I am using an Intergrated SET 84C that I made from kit. It only puts out 1.5 watts in Triode and about 5 watts per ch... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Microstrip: The amps were ARC REFERENCE 210'S and speaker cables and IC'S were Transparent Reference Cables with their interface boxes of course. Also was used were the Transparent power conditioner filter device.I 'm not sure the model number,But... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
I had the oppportunity to listen to the CD8 today at a dealers store with all the other ARC Ref. gear hooked up with it along with the Wilson Maxx Series 3 Speakers.Its been a long time since I sat down to listen to the latest ARC gear and with th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Raul thanks for this posting. Myself I had found the largest improvment for me in sound reproduction was when I bought a used Grado Reference, The Reference CartridgeHigh Output Type. Loads of refined detail and huge bass swings.It performed very ... 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
Lloydc I have been been reading on the naktalk forum and the clear winner seems to be the Dragon with the Azimuth adjustments u just mentioned. This makes this machines ability to play all tapes from any recorded machine something very special ind... 
The best hifi magazine?
I was looking through these posts and I can list some others that WERE NOT MENTIONEDThe Audio MagazineThe Audio CriticIAR, Short for International Audio ReviewGlass Audioand of course the OLD Issues of TAS. i MIGHT STILL HAVE ISSUE No.2 thru 6 lay... 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
Well I still like my Teac V-900X. I've been taking the machine through its paces and I'm becoming more acclimated to the built in DBX system. As long as I keep the levels down to -4 DB on recording I'm just fine. Any higher and the distortion star... 
Cartridges - what have you owned and your opinion
I need to think this one thruuuuuAudio Technica 20SLOrtofon can't remember the designatorVarious Grados8Sig.,TLZ, The ReferenceThe Koetsu Rosewoodand then I HEARD A HUGE SLEW of them on friends high end systems.This question almost dates me back t... 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
Thanks Ghostrider for clearing up the DBX issues with me.Yes I do recall now the 3DBX had those neon flashing lights I think for 3 different bands and it did act like an expander,But more sopisticated then the old Pioneer Units. I just didn't care...