
Responses from 4krowme

Silver Mica Caps on Phono Inputs
 I have not seen this done. Perhaps it is due to the capacitors shunting to ground, and not affecting the signal path. MLCC caps are what I have used.  
Demagnetize CDs
So, The Bedini Clarifier does have an effect.  
70's Receiver and/or Integrated Amp recommendations
There are just too many to Naim.  
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
Projects pretty much a constant in my home too. It's just that some are home related, or property related, and a few in between are audio. When I saw rot in the windows corner in my shop, I knew that there would be more than it looked to be. No su... 
Audio Education
Man, what's the trigger word here for all these fake posts?  IME, Learning occurs in different ways, and you want to be skeptical in any form that comes your way. I might not have said this 30 years ago, but since our infallible internet, I can't... 
Demagnetize CDs
I am not aware how neodymium magnets would affect/eliminate static. Isn't the CDP using a red laser? Again, you might have lost me there.  
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
larsman,    Understood, as I mentioned in my last post. Again, I have certain limitations such as being able to paint a decent picture. My brother, however, is unbelievably gifted, but don't ever ask him to frame the pictures that he paints, tha... 
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
I have never seen a triple C core transformer before. The ANK Mentor looks to be a heavy-duty unit. How long did it take to complete it?   It is good to see all these responses. Gives me hope that we can still do it ourselves with excellent resu... 
different people may hear the same sound differently...
Even before music, sound was extremely important to me. I learned at an early age, that much of what I heard was noise to me. This included language. Unfortunately, most sound in general was overwhelming and nearly intolerable. Especially shrill t... 
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
Building or creating is just a part of who I am, just as some kinds of math or computers/technology will never be. The trick here is to become proficient enough to please not only yourself but your customers.  The idea that DIY cannot ever be as ... 
Power cords or power conditioner
 I won't enter an opinion for the idea of power cables/conditioners. Instead, as probably has been stated, do all that you can physically with the listening environment first. I should take the advice that i give here. When reading such books as J... 
Diagonal speaker wiring with Jumpers
Wouldn't it be funny if on the opposite side of the speaker binding posts (inside the speaker cabinet) the conductors came back together as they would 'normally' be wired?  This reminds me of an integrated amp that I owned years ago. It was a tub... 
Record collecting versus hoarding
Starting over (again), I own a tad over 25. Of the future albums that I will buy, I cannot understand buying something that isn't special to me to begin with and would wince at buying a whole collection from someone.   Since I am trying to buy fo... 
Phono Stage Upgrade
 It isn't whether tubes, these or those, it is more about the implementation of the tubes. Price doesn't guarantee performance. But, considering your question, it would be good to know the truth for the sale of a used product. Instead, there are o... 
Phono Stage Upgrade
Well guys, it was a mix of different equipment in that 2 were kits, and two were commercial. It will come as no surprise to those who may have owned a Vincent PHO8, that it was the first to go. In spite of the fact that it was very quiet, it sound...