

Responses from 4krowme

Jim Smith and advice
 So far, I believe this book to be a good quick reference guide that I will keep. I will however, return the DVD set, as what it amounts to is Jim reading his book to you on video. That probably works for some people out there, but I have no inter... 
'Short' horns
 I was born with 'what if' in my head. That can be good or bad, but the side of curiosity led to can this be done better? Often times the answer ended up being just more experience under my belt. Then there are those times that something really sh... 
'Short' horns
Erik,  Thanks again. Yes, no doubt there is a mountain of horn designs as well as many others. I have been fascinated by speakers for decades going back to my early youth. The first speakers that I ever built in '76 were a knock off of the K horns... 
'Short' horns
Mr. D,/ Erik, Yes, it is true that design must be involved for the proper flare for a given driver, and because of that, I am stabbing in the dark at best. What eluded to this thought was in reading part of the ’Getting Better Sound’ by Jim Smith.... 
class d or t chip amps
 I'll just put this out there, but awhile back, I purchased a set of AN drivers myself, and along with them, I got the class D amp from Audio Nirvana as well. Turns out that I used it for awhile, then it ended up in my shop. If you might be intere... 
Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?
Reviews Can have Some merit, but usually it isn't so much about the sound that grabs me. Using a product will educate you soon enough about things such as whether a remote has the needed features and ease of use, for example. Yes, you can read abo... 
Love it when it snows
Rarely do I get this far, reading a thread like this one. The lure worked, as I think of snow with great affection. It's so true what it does to everything outside, and probably inside as well. My mind is quiet on walks in the snow, unlike the bic... 
Diminishing Returns
I keep the audio economy in good shape. Yes, I have been satisfied, amazed and wowed several times during the past few decades. I wouldn't change a thing, except I wish that I still had those golden ears of my youth. All in all, it has been a wond... 
Forte' Audio model 3 power supply schematic
US, Both good links. Unfortunately, the very diagram that I am looking for is no longer available on the DIY site. Makes me wince!  The other vintage amp repair tends towards Threshold, but i bet I can call him and get the needed info.  Thanks bot... 
Forte' Audio model 3 power supply schematic
Thank you for this response. I am thinking that the site no longer exists, but I am willing to look into it again. Simple as most power supplies are, compared to other circuitry, I will likely have the guy working on it trace out the design. Inter... 
Audiophile Magazine Recommendation
Back in the day, Stereo Review was worth it, but only for the Rodriquez cartoons. 
What is the name of your system?
HAL. "Dave, I see that you are upset. I hope that you aren’t going for the volume control, Dave. That would be irrational. I think that we can work this out, Dave. The neighbors will have to understand." 
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Man, this was long time ago, but here goes. I had just gotten ripped off by the local music store owner for a pair of John Zeer speakers. I lost $380 of really hard to earn dollars back in 1975. That got me starting to look at the other end of the... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
The Alpair 12P would likely fail in bass response given a conventional cabinet, i.e. ported, bass reflex, sealed box. I was actually expecting that sort of performance from them regardless of the fact that they were being mounted in a folded horn.... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
I finally got the bass that I really like. It is from a folded horn design that is only 40T  15D  10W. It uses an 8" driver, but here is the kick. I had the pleasure of being able to try different drivers in this cabinet. One of them was an Audio ...