

Responses from 4krowme

Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?
 I have been in the BPT camp for a long time with no regrets. It is fine for the front end of my system. I use a Richard gray 400S for the power amp, knowing that is in parallel not series with the power amp.  When living in Tucson, I was very lu... 
Best Phono Stage
ghdprentice,   Cost aside, matching has become more important to me than I thought possible. To begin with, I have made other poor choices, such as going from a perfectly good Project Xpression II to a Schiit SOL TT. I am sure that the SOL has m... 
Best Phono Stage
The return to vinyl has been uphill for me. The hardest part was me wasting money on one average phono preamp after another! If I had my priorities straight, I would have saved time and money. Going for quality that I didn't think that I could aff... 
The Audiophile's Wife
 I rarely have read anything with insight and entertainment such as this.      Many years ago, it was kind of the opposite in my life. I dated a belly dancer. No, in real life she wasn't belly dancer material, but that didn't stop her. I should ... 
Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000
My experience from many years ago was with the Cornwalls and also a set of JBL 4343. I will say that there was such a harshness to the Cornwall mid horn that I just couldn't listen to them more than 5 minutes. The JBL speakers were forward but not... 
Best audiophile earwax removal system?
Whether a professional or not, a person's intellect doesn't always extend all the way to that person's fingertips. Smart person, shaky hands, no good. Smart person, but doesn't when enough is enough, no good. Choose wisely.  
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
 Maybe in other hobby interests this happens too. For example, I got back into cycling 20+ years ago, only to find that the bicycles of my youth were nothing like the advancements that they had made in the meantime. Brakes were better, wheels some... 
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response?
  Never knew much about them, but I remember seeing a driver that was mounted in a closet door. This was back in the 50's.     I agree that the volume of the cabinet will dictate the amount of air suspension that the woofer is given. It is also ... 
speaker connector broke
I do like those solid red copper connectors. So many out there are made of what, I can't imagine. I mean, if a connector snaps off it is likely not copper based. More like pot metal as we used to call it.  
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response?
Well, it is a marriage between the driver and its abilities, and the cabinet made for it. You play to that particular drivers' strengths. In general, the bigger the woofer the bigger the cabinet. Again, this is applying to sealed and bass reflex/p... 
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response?
mahgister,   Yes, the room acoustics are fascinating to me even as a child. So, maybe understanding the room first, and then 'marry' a speaker to it?  
No frills speaker manufacturers
thegm,   I'm going back your idea because I built a GR Research sub about a year ago. I just happened to have had a cabinet that I made for passive sub many years ago and used it. My compliment to GR Research was about the quality of the driver a... 
No frills speaker manufacturers
When I first got into audio during high school, I was robbed for all I had, buying a set of speakers. It stung since money came hard to me as a kid. I then discovered a kit that I built in woodshop that turned out to be better than I ever imagined... 
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response?
 My understanding is that a larger cabinet will support a lower frequency response in the bass. The shape of that frequency response is also shaped by the design of the cabinet, i.e., whether it be sealed box or bass reflex (let's leave out the ot... 
Better sound on rainy days?
As it happens, I just installed a TV antenna in my attic a few days ago. I am using it for the FM reception and my tuner is in the basement. I keep a close ear to the results, as I am very picky about this. Yes, it did rain the very next day, and ...