

Responses from 1971gto455ho

Beautiful listening rooms
Does look like something prehistoric off the bottom of the ocean…lol  
Question : has anybody placed a Shunyata Omega QR power cord on thier sourse components ?
Judging by the responses I’d say useless social media humour is of more interest. The legitimacy of Exotic power cables from the socket to your equipment is at best questionable. Looking for a Sonic difference Pryor to the controlling functions of... 
Question : has anybody placed a Shunyata Omega QR power cord on thier sourse components ?
Careful folks this chuck guy might just hit us with another pants down shot of his junk   
Comparing Speaker Cables
Pinwa… You’ve some decent information with which to move forward with. Sort of skip over the typical Chip eating lard bucket god of cheap Products and crazy ideas you’ll be fine. Pretend it’s not there it’ll get old and fizzle out. Cheers to all... 
Thank you millercarbon
More crap for the gullible and/or stupid to get involved with let’s move on! Ignore the puff pastry ideas jamed to and promoted by Bloated please like me I’m important somebody’s.  Cheers all        
Dedicated 20 Amp Line for Audio
Easy fix.. find a licensed electrician with years of knowledge. Then you won't have to wade through piles of miss guided and silly information.  Cheers  
World's Best Speakers For 2021 ?
Lunch humour...Tekton speakers..lol Sorry had to do it 😈 Cheers  
I did the right thing after all.
One could only guess as to why another constantly babbles about a system made up of haywire and some kind of voodoo. Perhaps there is a Financial kickback,that aside it is a wonderful hobby. Forms can be informative, Humorous, and yes MC type of B... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
It’s been said politics and religion in the same bed a form of crowd control then and now lolTekton and crowd control.. more like vintage 901s and subwoofers with a headache added. 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
@mission The Constant product BS can be an opinion, I guess you have to allow that. What’s annoying is the look at me crud. Most do…once ! That Company could advertise painting their product in lead paint to help with noise transfer… you’ed see it... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
What is with that mc guy and the Tekton love affair?Few speakers really reach that magic full range levelTekton…. Well their not on that list. Mine are…opps can I say that Lol Cheers  
Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.
1- listening to 10 or so tracts when ya only like 32- getting up every 10 min. To find another 3 ya like3- payment plan needed to buy any 3 ya like 4- payment plan needed to buy old Technology5- snap crackle and pop is a breakfast cereal  
Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.
I hate that word embeddings…. Lol 
Tiny bridges everywhere, but why?
There is the odd blow hard out there that would have you believe you can make a $10,000 system sound like $30,000 with gum,tape, haywire, and a endless list of crap.Doesn’t work that way. Put balanced components in a well treated room and enjoy. S... 
Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago
Speakers have changed, though not as much as some would have you think. High end of yesteryear certainly hold their own today. Punching bag speakers carry that status because in affect they are junk. Buy revered quality, upgrade the electronic con...