

Responses from 1971gto455ho

Rebadging of Streaming Platforms
No the bottom line is if a person (or most) can’t here a difference then Smart is when to Stop. So imagine say 2% better, what kind of animal can here that difference Certainly not a human ! Now add up all the I think I here a Difference’s, Snake ... 
Rebadging of Streaming Platforms
So there you have it.. believe in what you see and what the majority say or blow stupid money for blind bragging rights. Winner winner chicken dinner.     Cheers  
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home
Would seem you need an electrician and a game plan. A simple question is can I get Dedicated 10 or 12 gauge wires from my fuse panel to my listening room. at this point it does not matter what you’re doing with it, you just want dedicated line inf... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
@bikeboy52  Will be posting pictures shortly, we’re down to minor drywall and paint. As usual will do it in a month turned into six…lol. Overall I’m happy with what’s been done. PM me if you want a little info  Cheers  
Time for a little surgery and or replacing a wrench. A great time for the speaker company to up sell ya on a better set of speakers of course, expect that Lol. Cheers   
How good does my system have to be to realize an improvement with cables?
If your cable is of sufficient size gauge and well put together your off and running. A percent figure based on the quality of your system (rule of thumb) is Total BS. Better components if you’ve cash to spare is the way to go. As said a million t... 
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters
Hi Folks no not listen to that car battery myth... utter Nonsense !! Someone needs a little help with his thinking in the general electric field. Very funny stuff stupidity aside, Plastic, glass, leaded crystal oh can't have that... Cement floors ... 
Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?
If you’ve a 60ft room 12ft ceiling S… small sound system and nothing else, envision an echo chamber or living in a gigantic tin can. Throw in some wool carpet, tapestries, non-vibrating furniture, bookshelves, now you’ve defused and it looks great... 
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters
My room is trimmed with 4x1 Pine base board with sculpted vertical pieces of pine fixed to it every 4ft. I’ve 4 runs of Karma SS cable stacked nicely on top of the baseboard tucked behind the vertical pieces. Other than looking great it’s orderly ... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
More beans please…. (The magic ones), any size colour cost….. 😈  
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio?
Oh Pooh… should there be a day for me I’ll stuff Electric into a classic car suspension and comfort included, that effort can be said for most audio as well !! Selectively purchase restore, upgrade electronic if possible and or available. Most of ... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
@curtdr  Leave Soix alone… apparently he’s happy with his hole 😂 Cheers  
Do older power cables still hold up to newer ones?
@waytoomuchS… The name says a lot… And that B.S. is pegging something else… Lol Enjoy the music and the humour  Cheers  
Shakti Stone
Really ?? Damn that’s funny stuff. Next thing ya know some goon will be Hawking the e-mat crap again, MC where are you ??? He could probably sell silly Puddy rolled in Coloured metal flakes mounted on porcelain risers, lots of people who’ve left t... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
@nyev  Two of the 3 amps in my system do require independently a 20 amp breaker service. First can do a healthy 1500 4 Ohm watts at 0.01% THD, weighs in at 136 pounds. Second a healthy 1400 4 Ohm watts at 0.05 THD, weighing in at 95 pounds. The r...