Responses from 12many
How do you pick your gear? Tips and insights are welcome. I read about equipment all the time and ask people questions to whose own the gear. I have received lots of great advice from members on AG and end up reading all their posts. It is more about matching the equipment to my preferences. If I can lis... | |
Bose buys McIntosh MC was already owned by a private equity firm. This is just a change in ownership to another mega corp. It could be good because Bose is a 3 billion a year in sales company so might be some nice investments to allow for new products and R&D.... | |
Receiver Too Weak? EasyTarget, most receivers have the ability to control the volume of each channel. I suggest bumping up the center volume to help you hear dialog, but keep the front R L channel volume the same, so the loud parts of the show don't get too loud. ... | |
Aurender n100h or n150 +1 to Juan at Bliss HiFi - he sold me my N150 and I am very happy with his service and advice. Like you, I was deciding between the N150 and N100 and am glad I listed to Juan. I agree, the N100 is getting a bit old. When I compared the price us... | |
Why does Audiogon need my phone number to send private messages What I find odd is that AG does all these security-based requirements, which is good, but often deletes posts where people warn others about bad vendor / sellers. | |
Sub suggestions please I will keep up the Audiogon tradition of giving advice you didn't ask for. Are you sure you need a sub? I was of the opinion that the JBL L100 Classics had great bass that was well-synced with the mid and tweeter of that classic speaker. You k... | |
Pre amp recommendations I was not using the Node’s internal DAC. At the time, I was using a Node that fed into a benchmark DAC3 (DAC and volume control). I swapped the Node for an Aurender N150. You are on the right track, IMO, by focusing on the preamp and the Node. I d... | |
Pre amp recommendations I will also recommend the BHK preamp. I added one to my system and it made an improvement that I was not sure was possible in my room/system. The system is much more real sounding, has increased sound stage front to back and top to bottom, a bit... | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit @jimbones Agreed. I was hesitant to recommend it because your original post indicated you wanted to move away from tubes. The two tubes are only in the input stage while the output stage is SS - so it is a hybrid design. I am still learning, but ... | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit You may want to look at the BHK preamp from PS audio. They just went on sale for 50% off. Great deal. I recently added one to my system and it is wonderful. It is a nice balance between SS and tubes. | |
30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers? After you calculate the cost to replace the cross-over and driver, and time, I suggest you also listen around for new speakers or newish but used, in the same price range. You may be able to enjoy an upgrade for a similar price, or not, but worth... | |
Is There A Better Solution? I am not sure I fully understand your question but I have a system that is for music and TV. The music path is streamer, dac, pre-amp, amps, R & L speakers. The TV path is cable box, AVR, center channel speakers and back channels and pre-out... | |
The End of My Search for a Power Conditioner @jfrmusic Did you plug your amp(s) into the Gemini or only your other components? What amp(s) are you running? Thanks. | |
??? How Much Would You Spend ??? I would buy used and spend 2 to 4k. | |
Physically Comfortable Headphones Get open back headphones so it is cooler. I like the sound better anyway. And, look for a set that has metal in the upper band that goes over the heard, then simply bend the metal a bit it to fit your head. Finally, look for felt or fabric ear ... |