Childproof audio

Long-time reader, first-time poster.

The past year has seen the arrival in my home of sweet-sounding monitors on spiked stands, nice cabling, components... and an infant boy :-)

I hope someone can share their thoughts about childproofing a quality audio system in an average home.

Off the top of my head: Only buy grille-covered speakers. Somehow tether the speakers to prevent them getting knocked over.
Beemer, what I'd like to do is give innocent children a break. Do a search on "Fallen TV's". An estimated 2300 children a year visit emergency rooms each year due to fallen TV's. I'm no kid myself. I survived not even being tethered by seat belts never mind car seats as a kid. Does that mean its smart to continue to do that today? I guess it all comes down to whether one loves the free use of their audio gear more than the health and well being of one's children.
Shorter tthis tiome but in mind of what Usound said just wall mount EVERYTHING and you can still have your cake and eat it too.And no I don't work for rack manufaturer.
One thing that has really helped me was those Rat Shack I.R. repeaters. Everything I own is tube (with no cages), so I just put all my equipment in a built-in with closing doors, yet I can still use all my remotes. If I am using my music server, I can change songs,albums I have recorded onto digital, or all my cd's and change volume without opening any doors that hide the stereo.
If they are kids, there will always be a badly thrown ball,pillow fight,etc. Hide that gear.
I think one of the main things to think about is the CD Player's drawer. As your child gets older this will definitely be a fascinating thing to open and close.... and pull and press on. I have built a shelf with glass and key to keep everything under control.

You can see my system here:

My system is titled, "Mark" I am inbetween Riko and Michael America.
These are great responses! Thanks a lot to everybody.

I guess I'm probably going to go with...

Parenting (!!!)
Wallmounted equipment
CD source, no record player for the time being
Floorstanding speakers with grilles

But I also like the idea of the gear in a cabinet reached by an infrared repeater.

And by the way -- kids love music too :-)